The best tactic: Talk about your values。
Don't get too detailed about your specific career plan. Instead, discuss things that are important to you professionally and how you plan to achieve them. If growth is a goal,mention that. You can also talk about challenge, another value that employers prize in their employees。
The "Salary" Question
Most people will tell you that whoever answers this question first loses. But that's not necessarily true。
When an interviewer asks your salaryrequirement, try first to gently deflect the question by inquiringabout the salary for the position。
If the interviewer presses you for anumber, give a range. To decide on a range, think about the salary youwant, your salary at your most recent position and the industry-standard salary for the job。
The bottom line: The salary question is one of the most important, so you should prepare for it in advance and plan what to say。