2 props
Dis的反义词.Props 意思是尊重,它是proper respect 的简略形式.青少年常用props 这个词来恭维某人或者某人的作为,要注意的是刚才学的dis通常当动词,而props却是名词.
例如:I really have to give you a lot of props. No one could havedone a better job with this assignment. Our professor has to be morethan impressed. You'll get an A for sure I think。
句中的give you a lot of props 意思是非常佩服你。
又如:I sure want to give you props for speaking up at the meeting. Alot of people felt the same way, but were too scared to say anything.You were the only one brave enough to speak you mind。
句中的give you props意思是敬佩你,说话的人对他朋友的仗义执言表示敬佩。