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来源:可可英语 编辑:jessica   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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J:hi, come on in. Can I take your coat?
K: sure, thanks. I brought you a bottle of wine as well.
J: you're the first guest to arrive. I'll just put your coat away and then I'll get you something to drink.
K: should I take my shoes off?
J: whatever you prefer.
K: this is a very nice place. How long have you been living here now?
J: just over three weeks. Would you like a drink?
K: sure, what do you have?
J: I've got white wine, red wine, gin and tonics, ginger ale, lemondade, orange juice, and sprite.
K: I'll have a glass of red wine please.
J: one glass of red wine coming up!
K: so how many people are coming for the dinner tonight?
J: there's just going to be 6 of us tonight.
K: oh, I thought there were going to be eight. who isn't coming?
J: Marcia and Paul called to cancel at the last moment. Paul was running late and Marcia wasn't feeling well.
K: that's too bad.They're such good company.
J: I think there's someone at the door.
K: excuse me while I go and get that.





