可可英语的网友朋友们,大家好。生活中我们常常会因为一些或大或小的原因与他人意见相左,甚至产生冲突。所有的争论都有缘起。就像两只小狗很可能会因为抢一根骨头而打起架。英语中就常常用a bone of contention“引起双方争斗的一根骨头”这一习语,来表达争论的原因。
A bone of contention 争论的原因
Contention 意思是“论点;争论”。比如:
It is his contention that taxes are too low. 他的论点是课税太轻。
了解了contention 的意思,我们来看看a bone of contention的用法。来看一个对话:
A: What’s the problem? What set you two at loggerheads?
B: He insisted on my going with him. But I’m too busy, you know.
A: I see. The going or not going issue is the bone of contention between you.
The border has always been a bone of contention between these two countries. 这两国之间的边界问题历来是争议的焦点。
如果和某人争论,你认为对方的观点根本就是站不住脚的,可以用not hold water来表示。它的字面意思是“装不了水”,借此形容观点漏洞百出。
Not hold water 站不住脚
His opinion doesn’t hold water. 他的说法站不住脚。
Miller is a dishonest person. His words can’t hold water. Miller是个不诚实的人,他的话经不起验证。
He has make up his mind to prove that Mary’s argument doesn’t hold water. 他决心要证明玛丽的论点是站不住脚的。