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色拉英语乐园学口语 第28课:机场惊喜

来源:可可英语 编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Lesson 28 Airport surprise
一、 情景对话

This is my friend. 这是我的朋友.
She’s been abroad for two years. 她出国已经两年了.
I really missed her. 我非常想念她.
But … today she’s coming home! 今天她回来了!
I’m waiting here at the airport to surprise her when she arrives! 我等在机场是为了在她到来时给她一个惊喜!
Oh, here she comes! 噢! 她来了!
Welcome home! 欢迎回来!
It’s you! 是你!
I’m so glad you came to meet me at the airport! 我真高兴你能来机场接我!

I missed you so much! 我非常想念你!


Be abroad 出国
arrive 到达
airport 机场
surprise 使….吃惊

She’s been abroad for two years. 她出国已经两年了.
I really missed her, but…today she’s coming home! 我非常想念她,今天她回来了.
I’m waiting here …. 我等在这儿(为了)….
I’m waiting here at the airport to surprise here when she arrives! 我等在机场是为了
I’m waiting here to meet my father. 我等在这儿接我的父亲.
I’m waiting here to check out. 我在这儿等着退房结怅.
Here she comes. 她来了.
Oh! Here she comes! 噢! 她来了!
Here he comes. 他来了.
Here comes our guide. 我们的导游来了.
I’m so glad… 我真高兴….
I’m so glad you came to meet me at the airport! 我真高兴你能来机场接我!
I’m so glad (that)it didn’t rain today. 我真高兴今天没下雨.
I’m so glad (that) the 2010 world Expo will be held in Shanghai. 我真高兴2010年的
It’s you! 是你!
It’s you! I didn’t expect to see you here! 是你啊! 我怎么也想不到在这儿见到你!
I miss you so much! 我非常想念你!
Arrive 到达/ airport 机场/ meet 接, 与…碰面/ welcome home! 欢迎回家!/ it’s
you! 是你!/ I miss you so much! 我非常想念你!




