Lesson 21 Key Conversation Sending a Package
Post Office Clerk: Good afternoon. How can I help you today?
Customer: Hi. I need to send this package overseas.
Post Office Clerk: Where are you sending it to?
Customer: The UK. What are my options?
Post Office Clerk: You can send it standard post, airmail, or priority post.
Customer: Well, it needs to get there ASAP, so I won't send it by snail mail. How much does priority post to the UK cost?
Post Office Clerk: Let's see, it would cost $65 for one day delivery or three day delivery for $50.
Customer: Ouch! That's too rich for my blood. I guess I'll send it by airmail.
Post Office Clerk: OK, good enough. That will cost $43.20, and I'll make sure that it goes out tonight.
Customer: That'll be great. Thanks for your help, and have a wonderful afternoon.Post Office Clerk: To you as well.