It's so exciting, so dynamic: 这里充满活力
It's never boring:从不无聊
There's so much going on everyday: 每天都有好多事儿发生
But it could be too intense: 不过有时候压力太大了
You need to take a step back and chill a bit: 需要放松一下
China is so HAPPENING!
The pace of change is amazing: 变革的速度惊人
It's a very happening place: 是个充满活力、天天发生新鲜事的地方
The pace of life is really fast: 生活节奏很快
First-tier cities: 一线城市
There's no shortage of new experiences: 永远不缺新体验
Access to opportunities: 机会充足
A sense of optimism: 乐观
The economy and general mood have been really bleak in the US after the 2008 financial crisis: 美国08年金融危机后,整体社会的情绪都比较低迷
China is like the Wild West with endless opportunities: 中国像当年美国西部,充满了机会
It's the new frontier where almost anything could happen: 是一个新天地,任何事都有可能发生
There're many new opportunities you could get involved with:你可能会有意想不到的机会
A lot of foreigners ended up doing things they never would have thought they'd be doing: 很多外国人有了想不到的发展
Daily life is super convenient: 日常生活很方便
Everything is walkable:随便走走,什么东西都有
Restaurants and shops stay open late: 饭店、商店都很晚关门
Massive range of food choices: 丰富的美食选择
Eating out in general is more affordable: 总的来说,出去吃比国外便宜
You meet people from all over China and all over the world: 能遇到来自全国各地、全世界各地的人
The dating scene is more exciting too: 恋爱的机会也比较多
The community is really tight and close-knit: 朋友圈子很紧密
People are really hospitable and willing to help each other out: 人很热情,乐于互相帮忙
China has been very good to me: 中国对我真好
I've been very good to China: 我也很爱中国
不要问老外“Why did you come to China?"或者 "What are you doing here?"
What brought you to China?