Presidential election year: 总统大选年
Donald Trump is the Republican party's front runner: 特朗普是共和党内选情领先的候选人
Candidate: 候选人、参选人
He's a rich real estate developer from New York: 他是美国的地产大亨
He inherited a lot of money from his dad: 他从爸爸那儿继承了很多钱
He has run many different businesses, some successful, others have gone under: 自己做过很多生意,有些成功、也有很多失败
To go under: 破产、倒闭
To file for bankruptcy: 申请破产
Loud mouth: 大嘴巴、会吹牛
He's full of it/full of sh*t: 说的都是没道理的话
He has made a lot of anti-immigrant, anti-China comments: 特朗普发表了很多反移民、反华的言论
Many Trump supporters are rednecks:很多特朗普的支持者是土包子、下巴老
Hillbilly: 土包子
Conservative: 保守的
He speaks the truth when he talks about immigration, border control. He doesn't care what people think: 他说的都是实话,他谈到移民、边境控管,他不在乎别人怎么看
He's unchoreographed: 他不装、不是精心设计的
I like his roughness and little Reaganesque: 我喜欢他的粗旷、有里根的气质
He's not a politician: 他不是政客
He's not gonna be bought off: 他不会被人收买(因为他已经很有钱了)
He may be a billionaire, but he's like one of us: 他虽然是亿万富翁,但他就像我们老百姓一样
Besides the money issue, he's still in tune with what everybody is wanting: 除了他很有钱,他跟我们老百姓想的都是合拍的
When he referred to some immigrants as rapists, did that bother you or did you ever notice it?
No, it didn't bother me:没有,我不觉得这有什么问题
He said he's gonna put a wall down on the Southern border, that's the common sense thing to do: 他说会在我们南方的边境造一座墙,我觉得理应这样做,这是常识
I knew he was a wealthy successful man. I remember asking my mother if I could write him a letter and ask him how he made his money so that I could do it too: 我很早就知道他是个有钱、成功的人。我记得那时候问我妈,我能给他写封信,问他怎么赚钱吗?这样我也能赚钱
Even as a young kid, the word "Trump" meant success to me: 当我还是个孩子时,Trump对我来说就代表成功
He's a billionaire. How can I begrudge him on that? He worked hard to get there: 他是个亿万富翁,但我为什么要嫉恨他?他是通过自己的努力成功的
Voters: 选民
They vote in the election: 在大选时投票
Many Trump supporters look up to him and his success: 很多特朗普支持者很敬佩他的成功
But many say Trump isn't as successful as he claims:当然也有很多人觉得他根本没自己吹的那么成功
He brags and exaggerates: 他都是吹牛、夸大的
BS'ing (bull shitting): 吹牛、信口开河
I think some of Trump's supporters reasons are pathetic: 我觉得特朗普支持者说的理由都很可悲
I don't even think Trump believes in the crap he says 我根本不觉得特朗普相信他自己说的话
He's just saying it to get the constituency:他这样说就是为了得到这派选民的支持
To rally behind someone: 支持某人
I think Trump is very manipulative: 我觉得特朗普很会操纵人
Trump has tapped into many people's anger: 他利用了很多老百姓的怨气
Especially the blue-collar, lower middle class people who lost their jobs to globalization and immigration: 特别是底层蓝领,他们很多人因为全球化、移民涌入美国而失业
They blame China and Mexicans for their condition: 他们把自己的境况都怪在中国、墨西哥人身上
Looking for a scapegoat:找替罪羔羊
Trump stands for White populism: 特朗普就是在玩白人民粹政治
White power: 白人势力
Intolerant: 排外的
Fascist: 法西斯主义者
The Republican Party has pushed many of its supporters to the far right of politics of White populism: 共和党近几年也在把支持者推到越来越右翼的白人民粹路线
They created their own monster in Donald Trump: 他们自己制造出了特朗普这个怪物
They made their own bed: 他们自食其果