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Helping a friend move 帮朋友搬家

来源:可可英语 编辑:max   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

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Peter: Kelly, will you help me take these things to the car?

彼得: 凯丽,你能帮我把那些东西放到车里吗?
Kelly: OK, which car do you want me to put them in?
凯丽: 好的,你想我把它们放在哪辆车里?
Peter: Bring them to my wife's car.
彼得: 把它们放在我妻子的车里。
Kelly: Which one is hers'?
凯丽: 哪一辆车是她的?
Peter: The blue SUV in front of the Honda.
彼得: 本田前面的蓝色越野车。
Kelly: What should I take first?
凯丽: 我应该先放哪一个呢?
Peter: That chair over there, but please be careful with it. It was a gift from my mother-in-law.
彼得: 那边的椅子,请你搬时小心一点,那是我岳母送的礼物。
Kelly: Don't worry, I won't drop it. Wow, it's really heavy. I don't think I can move it by myself.
凯丽: 别担心,我不会把它摔到的。哇!真重。我觉得我自己搬不动。
Peter: Let me help you with that. I don't want you to hurt your back.
彼得: 让我来帮你。我不想你伤到你的背部。
Kelly: Where are you taking all this stuff?
凯丽: 你要把这些东西带到哪儿呀?
Peter: Didn't I tell you? We're moving to Florida?
彼得: 我没告诉你吗?我们要搬到佛罗里达州。
Kelly: You're moving now? I knew you were moving, but I thought you said you were moving next month.
凯丽: 你现在就搬呀?我知道你要搬,但我以为你说下个月搬呢。
Peter: Yes, that's true, but my wife found a new apartment on the Internet the other day and she wants to move right away.
彼得: 是的,没错。但那天我妻子在网上找到一个新的公寓,她想马上就搬。




