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2分钟英语口语课堂(视频+中英文本) 第121期:体育馆锻炼 Working out at the gym

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

With The Instructor

Patrick: Hey! My name is Patrick. I'm new to the gym.
Patrick: 嘿!我是Patrick。初次来这个体育馆。
Michel: Hey Patrick. I'm Michel. I'm the instructor here. Tell me how can I help you?
Michel: 嘿,Patrick。我是Michel。我是这儿的教练。有什么需要我帮忙的吗?
Patrick: I was wondering if you could suggest some exercises to reduce my love handles.
Patrick: 我想通过锻炼减掉腰间的赘肉,您能不能给我点儿建议?
Michel: Sure. This is a quite common problem among girls too.
Michel: 当然。女孩子们常常有这个问题。
Patrick: Yeah! I sit all day, and hardly get a chance to exercise.
Patrick: 是啊!我一整天都坐着,几乎没机会锻炼。
Michel: Alright! You'll need to do a lot of cardio to fix that.
Michel: 好!你得多做有氧运动才行。
Making Friends At the Gym
Patrick: Hi! My name is Patrick.
Patrick: 嗨!我是Patrick。
Brian: Heya, I'm Brian.
Brian: 你好,我是Brian。
Patrick: Do you come at the same time everyday?
Patrick: 你每天到点就来这吗?
Brian: Yup. I come directly from my office, so it's pretty much the same time everyday. What about you?
Brian: 嗯,我直接就从公司过来,所以差不多每天都是一样的点儿来。你呢?
Patrick: Today is my first day at the gym, but I guess I'll be here at this time every day.
Patrick: 今天我是第一天来,不确定是不是每天都能这会儿来。
Brian: Alright! Good luck mate. I hope you enjoy your gym time.
Brian: 嗯!祝你好运,兄弟。希望你每天在这里玩的愉快。
Patrick: Thanks man! I'll see you around.
Patrick: 谢谢,兄弟!回头见。
Brian: Of course. I am sure you will!
Brian: 当然了,我们肯定能再见!
Not having enough motivation
Brian: I was wondering if I should get a treadmill at home.
Brian: 我想我是不是应该买个跑步机放家里。
Instructor: Well, that's not a good idea if you're going to be a regular at the gym.
Instructor: 嗯,你要是经常去体育馆的话,就最好不要买。
Brian: I know, but my exercise regime is shot! I skip too many days.
Brian: 我知道,可是我的运动计划破产了!我逃课很多次了。
Instructor: That's not good for you buddy. If you want I can send you reminders about gym-time to your phone.
Instructor: 兄弟,这可不太好。有需要的话,我可以把体育馆的时间表发给你。
Brian: Yeah? That'd be great!. Thanks chief!
Brian: 真的吗?太好了!谢谢长官!
Instructor: No problems mate!
Instructor: 没事儿,兄弟!
Complimenting someone
Patrick: Dammit Sofia! You've lost a lot of weight.
Patrick: 该死的Sofia!你轻了好多。
Sofia: You think so Patrick? I've been working out for a couple of months now.
Sofia: Patrick,真的吗?我这几个月一直在锻炼。
Patrick: You've made some fantastic progress! How much have you lost? 10 kilos?
Patrick: 你取得的进步可真大!减了多少了?10千克?
Sofia: No, not really. It's actually 7.
Sofia: 不,没有。7千克。
Patrick: Well... it has made a hell of a difference to you!
Patrick: 啊.......这就让你面目一新了!
Sofia: Thanks Patrick. Alright I better be going. I've got some running to do!
Sofia: 谢谢, Patrick。嗯,我该走了,我还要跑步!
Patrick: Hey Sofia! Can we go out sometime?
Patrick: 嘿,Patrick 有时间我们出去走走怎么样?
Sofia: Maybe Patrick. Goodbye!
Sofia: 看时间吧,Patrick,再见!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
skip [skip]


v. 跳过,略过,遗漏
n. 跳跃,跳读

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

mate [meit]


n. 伙伴,配偶,同事
vt. 使 ... 配

regime [rei'ʒi:m]


n. 政体,制度
n. 养生法(=regime





