Alyssa: Hi Jeremy!
Alyssa: 你好Jeremy。
Jeremy: (Sounding tired). Hi Alyssa.
Jeremy: (声音听起来很累)嗨,Alyssa。
Alyssa: Are you feeling better now?
Alyssa: 现在好点了吗?
Jeremy: Just a bit. I am still feeling nauseous.
Jeremy: 好点了,就是还觉得恶心。
Alyssa: Did you take the medication?
Alyssa: 吃药了吗?
Jeremy: Yeah, but its effects will take time to kick-in.
Jeremy: 嗯,发挥药效还得一段时间。
Alyssa: Oh… I better leave you to rest then. I'll check back on you later.
Alyssa: 哦.......我想我最好还是让你多休息一会儿,一会儿我再给你打电话。
Jeremy: Thanks Alyssa.
Jeremy: 谢谢,Alyssa。
Broken leg
Scott: Hey man! What's up?
Scott: 嘿,伙计!近来如何?
Pete: How's your leg dude?
Pete: 你的腿怎么了,伙计?
Scott: Broken. I got a cast.
Scott: 断了。打上石膏了。
Pete: Ouch! So how long are you gonna be out of action?
Pete: 哎呀!多长时间不能动?
Scott: The doc said 3 weeks.
Scott: 医生说3周。
Pete: That sounds really ugly buddy.
Pete: 太糟糕了,兄弟。
Scott: Yeah man. I am gonna be bored to death.
Scott: 是啊,兄弟。我要烦死了。
Pete: Well okay... Just to let you know I'm gonna be at the beach this evening. Surfing!
Pete: 嗯,好了.......跟你说哦,我今晚要去海滩!冲浪!
Scott: (friendly) I hope you break a leg too you jerk!
Scott: (善意地)真希望你也摔断一条腿,你这个混蛋!
Pete: It takes one to know another.
Pete: 到时候正好半斤八两。
Scott: Alright mate, talk to ya later.
Scott: 好吧,兄弟,一会儿说。
Telling the teacher
Teacher: Marvin, you are Jamie's neighbour, right?
Teacher: Marvin,你是Jamiede 邻居,是吗?
Marvin: Yes, ma'am. I live a block from her house.
Marvin: 是的,女士。我家和他家隔着一个街区。
Teacher: How is she feeling now? I hope she's started recovering...
Marvin: Her parents took her to L.A for further treatment.
Marvin: 她父母带她去洛杉矶接受进一步治疗了。
Teacher: Oh my goodness. Was it that bad?
Teacher: 哦,我的天哪。那么糟糕了吗?
Marvin: I don't know. The panel of doctors here recommended it. They weren't able to diagnose the disease.
Marvin: 我不知道,这儿的医生小组建议的,他们无法确诊。
Teacher: I hope it's nothing bad. May God bless her and give her good health.
Teacher: 希望没那么糟糕。上帝保佑她,恢复她健康的身体。
Asking another friend
Taylor: Hey Tiff! Wait up!
Taylor: 嘿,Tiff!等一下!
Tiffany: Hi Taylor! Tell me what's up?
Tiffany: 嗨,Taylor!最近怎么样?
Taylor: Have you seen Ethan? I haven't seen him for a while.
Taylor: 你看见 Ethan 吗?我有一段时间没见到他了。
Tiffany: Ethan's ill Taylor. He's got pneumonia.
Tiffany: Taylor,Ethan生病了。他得了肺炎。
Taylor: Pneumonia? How did he get that?
Taylor: 肺炎?怎么会得这种病?
Tiffany: He went out in the snow without warm clothes on a dare.
Tiffany: 下雪了,他没穿暖和就敢出去。
Taylor: What? I didn't think Ethan was that stupid. How's he now?
Taylor: 什么?我觉得他没那么笨。现在他怎么样了?
Tiffany: Better. I think he'll be back by Monday.
Tiffany: 好点了,我想周一就能回来了。