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第25课 Part1:生活场景学习

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Question 1
"So did you end up buying the car?"
"No... the guy selling it just gave off a weird vibe. I didn't feel like I could trust him."
vibe = __________
A appearance
B energy
C smell

Question 2
"What'd you think of the movie?"
"Honestly, it was pretty lame. I expected better for a superhero movie."
lame = _____________
A lacking action
B too short
C stupid and disappointing

Question 3
"Did you do anything special over the holiday weekend?"
"Not really. Just hung out with the fam."
fam = ____________
A family
B friends
C pets

Question 4
"I've gotta go pick up a friend, but I'll be back... are you guys gonna be here for a little while longer?"
"Not sure... I think we're gonna bounce soon."
bounce = ____________
A drink alcohol
B leave
C stop

Question 5
"So, what's the verdict on this dress?"
"I really dig the color, but I'm not crazy about the style."
dig = ____________
A hate
B like
C want

Question 6
"Is he your boyfriend?"
"Not exactly. We have sort of a friends with benefits thing going on."
friends with benefits = _______________
A close friendship with a co-worker
B friends who lend each other money
C sexual relationship without dating or commitment

Question 7
"Do you like sushi?"
"No way. I tried it once and felt like I was gonna puke."
puke = __________
A pass gas
B sneeze
C vomit

关键字: 高频动词 口语一期




