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Day 21:Lesson 10 What's for supper(1)

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Lesson 10 What’s for supper?



Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive. So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs. Oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work. Now they have had special cages made to protect them from these monsters. The fish are not sharks or killer whales, but favourite eating varieties like cod and skate which grow to unnatural sizes, sometimes as much as twelve feet in length. Three factors have caused these fish to grow so large: the warm water round the hot oil pipes under the sea; the plentiful supply of food thrown overboard by the crews on the rigs; the total absence of fishing boats around the oil rigs. As a result, the fish just eat and eat and grow and grow in the lovely warm water. Who eats who?

1.chip/tʃɪp/ n. 油煎土豆片
美国:(French) fries
2.overfish/ˌoʊ.vɚˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ v. 过度捕捞
3.giant/ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/ adj. 巨大的
4.terrify/ˈter.ə.faɪ/ v. 吓,使恐怖
词根:terr + ify
5.diver/ˈdaɪ.vɚ/ n. 潜小员
6.oil rig /rɪɡ/ 石油钻塔
7.wit/wɪt/ n. (复数)理智,头脑

8.cage/keɪdʒ/ n. 笼
9.shark /ʃɑːrk/ n. 鲨鱼
10.whale/weɪl/ n. 鲸
11.variety/vəˈraɪə.t̬i/ n. 品种
12.cod/kɑːd/ n. 鳕
13.skate/skeɪt/ n. 鳐
14.factor/ˈfæk.tɚ/ n. 因素

15.crew/kruː/ n. 全体工作人员

1.Fish and chips has always been a favourite dish in Britain, but as the oceans have been overfished, fish has become more and more expensive. So it comes as a surprise to learn that giant fish are terrifying the divers on North Sea oil rigs.

1)come as a surprise/relief/blow etc
(to somebody)to make someone feel surprised, relieved, disappointed etc

e.g. The decision came as a great relief to us all.
e.g. The news will come as no surprise to his colleagues.

2)feel like a fish out of water 感觉不舒服
E.g. I’m kind of a introverted person. Every time I go to a party, I feel like a fish out of water.

Fishy 可疑的;
e.g. You’ve got to pay attention to Peter. He’s fishy.

2. Oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers, who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water, have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work.

A …..and B …..

work up: become upset
e.g. I got all worked up about what my boss said.
e.g. you don’t need to get worked up about it.

Work up: if you work something up, that means to spend time developing it.
e.g. He worked up a presentation for the conference.
e.g. I don’t run much now, but I want to work up to a 10K.

3)Bump into
E.g. I bumped into your mother at the supermarket.
E.g. As I turned round, I bumped into a filing cabinet.
重点单词   查看全部解释    
introverted [,intrəu'və:tid]


adj. 内向的 v. 使内翻;使...内向(intro

cabinet ['kæbinit]


n. 橱柜,内阁
adj. 私人的

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的

protect [prə'tekt]


vt. 保护,投保

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

presentation [.prezen'teiʃən]


n. 陈述,介绍,赠与
n. [美]讲课,报告

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策





