1. beyond my area of expertise 超过了我的专业范围
This is beyond my area of expertise. Why don't you ask Jenna? She knows more about Chinese law. 这个超过了我的专业范围了,你可以去问一下Jenna,她更清楚中国法律。
2. beyond what I can afford 买不起
I wanted a car under $20,000 like a Honda. This Mercedes SUV is beyond what I can afford. 我想要一辆2万美金以下的车,比如本田之类的,这辆奔驰SUV已经超出了我的承受范围了。
3. beyond this street 街外边
There are no more restaurants beyond this street. If you want to eat, it's gotta be somewhere here. 这条街外面就没有餐馆了,如果你想吃饭的话,就必须在这里吃。
4. beyond those mountains 山的另外一边
Pittsburgh is beyond those mountains in the distance. It's about an hour's drive from here. 匹兹堡在这些山的那边很远的地方,从这里开车过去大概一个小时吧。
It's about an hour's drive from here. 从这里开车过去大概一个小时吧。
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