1. 原味表述:to piss someone off
双语解析:To greatly anger or irritate someone. (使......生气)
用法解析:这是一个rude slang,是粗鲁的用法,根据谈话的对象慎用。此外,它的变异用法是:get pissed off或者be pissed off。表示由于某事使得某人生气,在短语后面用介词“with”或者“over”。
典型例句:I think I might start cycling to work in the morning—this traffic really pisses me off!
I think I pissed off Janet with my comment earlier.
John was so pissed off when he found out that someone else had been given the promotion instead of him.
There's no point in getting pissed off over a bad grade on your exam. Just study harder next time!
2. 原味表述:tick someone off
双语解释: To make someone particularly annoyed, angry, or frustrated. (是某人特别恼火,生气或者懊恼)
用法解析:A noun or pronoun can be used between "tick" and "off. 名词或者代词可以用法tick和off之间。这是动词短语,可以变异为:be ticked off或者get ticked off。
典型例句:It really ticks me off the way people drive in the bus lane, when they clearly aren't supposed to!
Nothing ticked off my mom more than having people come into the house with dirty shoes.
I got pretty ticked off a few days ago when the professor gave me a low score on the exam.
People will be pissed off when you shake them down.
我们今天学习了2个非常有表现力的表述法。Hope thatyoucanbearthem in your mind. 这也是雅思考试必备的词汇哦!