1. 语汇:to be on bad terms with someone
释义:To be in a state of utter disagreement, dislike, or contempt with someone. (与某人关系不好)
例句:My ex-husband and I wanted to part amicably, but ever since the divorce started, we have been on really bad terms.
I'm on bad terms with Stephanie ever since that argument.
At present, he is on bad terms with his brother because of a argument they had last week.
2. 语汇:to be on good terms with someone
释义:To have a good, friendly, etc. relationship with somebody. (与某人关系好)
例句:Get someone who is on good terms with him to try and persuade him.
Peter works hard and he's on good terms with most people here.
Jane is on good terms with the Boss. Why don't you ask him to put in a good word for you?
我们今天学习了2个非常有表现力的表述法。Hope thatyoucanbearthem in your mind. 这也是雅思考试必备的词汇哦!