1.表述:cakes and ale
释义:Simple material pleasures; fun or lively enjoyment in general.(生活中的乐事,吃喝玩乐)
例句:Any reasonable person knows that life is not all cakes and ale.
Kids these days think only of cakes and ales—and not of the hard work they need to put in to be successful.
2.表述:have one’s cake and eat it
释义:To have or do two things that one desires that are normally contradictory or impossible to have or do simultaneously. (两者兼得)
例句:You're never going to save enough money to buy a house if you keep buying expensive appliances and cars. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.
Too many people want to have their cake and eat it, demanding all sorts of social benefits from the government but being unwilling to pay any taxes to fund them.