I control money; money doesn’t control me. 我控制钱,钱不会控制我。
Do you think money is more important than love?
Do you think money is more important than love? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. I mean, love is the highest. Love and appreciation are the highest frequencies in the universe. So if you are focusing on your appreciation of what you have, of your, the temple, of your body, of what you do have in your life, focusing on the love that you do have in your life that you create, love is created, not found. Okay? So it's important to remember that you create your feelings, you create your feelings. They don't just appear out of nowhere, right? You know that 5:00 AM wake up club, right? Like, you create how you feel. So love and appreciation are much more important, but money will much more easily come when you're in a place of high vibration. It will come. When you're in a place of love, when you're experiencing love, you don't have to have a person in your life to love, to experience love.
1.Absolutely 绝对
2.Frequency 频率
3.Universe 宇宙
4.Appreciation 感激之情
5.Vibration 振动