01.Turning point
Turning point: 拐点,转折点
Decisive: 决定性的
Beneficial: 有益的,有利的
Turning point: The point at which a decisive change in a situation occurs, often one with beneficial results.
Tipping point: 引爆点
Tipping 在这里并不是给小费,而是失去平衡,翻倒的意思:
Tip over: 使翻倒
Candles may tip over and ignite flammables. 蜡烛可能会翻倒引燃易燃物。
Tipsy: 踉跄的,微醉的
He was tipsy yesterday. 他昨天有点醉。
和拐点不同,引爆点表示一连串小变化的积累后,最终在 tipping point 发生了重大的改变,就像“压死骆驼的最后一根稻草”:
Tipping point: The point at which a series of small changes or incidents becomes significant enough to cause a large, more important change.
谈到疫情的拐点,turning point 更为合适:
It has yet to reach the turning point in coronavirus fight. 这场新型冠状病毒的战役还未达到拐点。
02.Reach/Come to/Arrive at
Turning point是拐点的名词,如何表示“到达”拐点呢?
To reach a turning point / turning point reached
To come to a turning point
To arrive at a turning point
Something marks a turning point: 标志着拐点(的到来)
The turning point "of" something
03.Make a turn
除了表示拐点外,turn 这个词在日常生活中也很实用,做动词时:
Turn right/left: 向右/左转
Turn 作为名词使用:
Make a right/left turn: 向右/左转
Where should I stop?在哪里停呢?
Just pass the lights and make a left turn. 过了红绿灯后左转。
04.Wrong turn
Take a wrong turn: 转错方向
当然如果是做出了正确的选择,你也可以巧妙地说 take a right turn,但日常生活中做出错误选择时更常用这个比喻,类似的还有:
Take a turn for the worse/better: 事情变坏/变好
Things just take a turn for the worse. 事情变得更糟糕了。
05.Crossroads in life
Turning point in life
Crossroads in life: 人生的十字路口
I reach a crossroads in life. 我处于人生的十字路口(进行抉择的重要关头)。
站在十字路口你可以选择 keep going,也可以调个头往回走:
U-turn: 调头(字母U的形状)
Why didn't you do a U-turn?你当时为什么没有调头往回走?
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