The sandwich generation: 三明治一代。很形象的比喻,夹在两片面包中间,上有老下有小的人
Generation: 不同世代(的人)
Generational gap: 代沟
To be sandwiched between…:被夹在之间,也可以形容非常拥挤
We’re sandwiched between our parents and our children: 我们被夹在父母和孩子两辈中间。
The bus was packed. I was sandwiched between people the whole ride: 巴士非常挤,我全程都被人牢牢挤着。
Parenting is hard: 当父母很不容易(parent也是动词)
Raising kids and bringing them up goes much more beyond keeping them warm and fed: 养育孩子远远超过让他们吃饱穿暖。
Nurturing your children includes everything from taking care of their physical to their emotional needs : 养育、培养孩子包括照顾他们身心、情绪各方面的需求。
Hands-on parenting: “圈养”
Hands-off parenting: “放养”、放手
Free-range parenting: 也是放养的意思
Helicopter parenting: “直升机”式父母,形容一直盘旋在孩子上空,过度关注、介入的父母
Helicopter parenting has become increasingly common in America: “直升机”式父母在美国也越来越普遍。
Although generally speaking, there’s less academic pressure in America, there is a huge emphasis on sports and other kinds of enrichment activities, packing kids’ schedules: 虽然总体而言,美国的学业压力不是那么大。但对孩子在体育和其它兴趣特长方面很重视,孩子的时间表也排得很满。
It can create a lot of tension between kids and parents: 有时会造成孩子与父母之间关系紧张。
The expectation or the sense of obligation to take care of your aging parents is less in American culture: 美国文化中对孩子要照顾年老父母的预期或者义务感比较小。
说到“孝敬”“孝顺·”,虽然字典会写“filial piety”,但这个概念不是植根于英美文化的,所以英语里也很少会用到。更常用的英语表达包括:
Caring for your parents: 照顾父母、关心他们
Paying them back: 报答他们(pay back不只是经济上的)
Be grateful to your parents: 感激父母
Although the cultural expectation is lower, reality is a different story. Many Americans are the primary caretakers of their parents: 虽然文化上没有这个期待,但现实是另一回事。很多美国人也都承担着照顾父母的首要责任。
Mid life: 中年人生阶段 (不是middle life)
Middle aged: 中年的
Pressure from all fronts: 来自各方面的压力
Financial pressure: 经济压力
Professional pressure: 事业压力
Feeling squeezed: 感觉被压得喘不过气
All these responsibilities might be stretching your emotional bandwidth: 所有这些责任会挑战你的情绪半径
Important to carve out your own space: 尽量保留一些自己的空间很重要
Finding and keeping your happy place: 寻找并保留自己的天地(还记得我们不久前教过的happy place这一表达吗?不一定是实际的地点,更多指无形的心灵空间)
You need an emotional outlet and a support network: 你需要情绪出口, 也需要一个支持网络