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第1268期:简单好吃的 2024 年 TikTok 10 大网红料理

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Egg-In-A-Hole: 洞洞吐司煎蛋

Cut a hole in the center of bread slice; place in the hot skillet and cook until lightly toasted, about 2 minutes: 在面包片中间切一个洞,放入热平底锅中,烤至微焦,约 2 分钟:

Flip bread and crack egg into the hole; season with salt and pepper. Continue to cook until egg is cooked and mostly firm; flip again and cook 1 minute more. Serve immediately: 面包翻面,鸡蛋打入洞中,盐、胡椒调味。继续煎至鸡蛋熟透并基本凝固;再次翻面,再煎 1 分钟。立即上桌。

Dalgona Coffee: 韩国手打焦糖泡沫咖啡

All you need is instant coffee, sugar, and water: 只需速溶咖啡、糖和水

Whisk all the ingredients together until they are thick and foamy. Serve on ice and milk: 将所有配料搅拌在一起,直到产生浓稠的泡沫,加冰块和牛奶饮用

Better foamy top if using an electric whisk: 电动打泡器能制造出更浓稠的奶盖

TikTok stirred fried Ramen: TikTok炒拉面

Drain the water from your instant noodles after cooking, then mix in the seasoning packets:煮完方便面后沥干水分,加方便面的调味料

Transform instant ramen by stir-frying it with butter, soy sauce, and an egg, garnished with chili flakes and green onions: 升级方便面,用黄油、酱油和鸡蛋来炒面,并用干辣椒、葱花点缀

It’s a savory, umami-rich meal with minimal ingredients:简单食材就能做出鲜美可口的一道菜

Glass potato chips: 玻璃薯片

Boil peeled potatoes in water until soft, then strain and keep the liquid. Let the liquid cool and refrigerate overnight. This will allow potato solids to settle, creating a clear potato stock:将去皮的土豆放入水中煮至软烂,然后过滤并保留液体。让液体冷却并冷藏过夜。这将使马铃薯固体沉淀,形成清澈的马铃薯汤

The next day, whisk potato starch into the clear broth. Heat the mixture until it thickens into a gel-like consistency:第二天,在汤中加入马铃薯淀粉。加热混合物,直至其变稠成凝胶状。

Spread the gel thinly on a baking sheet in chip-sized circles, then bake at low heat (110°C) until dry and crispy:将凝胶薄薄地涂抹在烤盘上,切成薯片的形状,然后用低温(110°C)烘烤,直至干脆

Pasta Chips: 意大利面干脆片

Boil pasta (bow, macaroni, not spaghetti), cook til al dente, not mushy: 煮意大利面(蝴蝶结面、通心粉之类的,不要选长细面),煮至筋斗,不要煮太软

Dry the pasta, spray oil and seasoning and put them in the air fryer to crisp them up: 将面沥干,喷上油和调味料,放入空气炸锅炸脆

Chickle (Pickle-Cheese Roll-Up): 芝士酸黄瓜脆

Heat up a non-stick frying pan, and place a slice of cheese onto the pan. Let it toast: 不粘锅烧热,将一片奶酪放在锅上,煎一会儿

When the cheese starts to form a crust on the other side, place your pickle directly onto the toasted cheese: 当芝士的边缘开始焦脆时,将酸黄瓜直接放在芝士上

Fold the cheese over the pickle:把芝士卷起来覆盖酸黄瓜

Flip the pickle over so the wrap can close on the other side, creating a spring roll like roll: 翻面再煎,并合拢两半的芝士,做成一个春卷一样的形状

Chinese style cold tossed cucumber: 中式凉拌黄瓜

This simple Chinese dish is a huge revelation to non-Chinese: 这道简单的中式菜肴对外国人来说是个重大的发现

There’s a TikToker called The Cucumber Guy, who went viral for making Chinese cold tossed cucumber: TikTok有个“黄哥男孩”,因为教授如何做中式凉拌黄瓜大火

Cold tossed cucumber: 凉拌黄瓜

Fluffy popcorn: 蓬松爆米花

Pop the popcorn: 爆米花爆一下

Melt butter and marshmallows in a large saucepan over low heat: 用锅子低温融化黄油和棉花糖

Pour the melted marshmallow mixture over the popped popcorn. Stir gently to coat all kernels: 把融化的黄油棉花糖浇在爆米花上,轻轻搅拌包裹所有颗粒

Add desired toppings, e.g. chocolate chips: 上面还可以加你喜欢的点缀(如巧克力碎)

Baked oats cake in a mug:马克杯燕麦蛋糕

Blend oats with an egg, banana, honey, and milk and coco power, chocolate chips, peanut butter etc.:将燕麦、鸡蛋、香蕉、蜂蜜、牛奶、可可粉、巧克力脆片、花生酱等用搅拌机搅打

Pour mixture into a mug and microwave for about 1 min and 45 seconds: 混合物倒入马克杯中,微波炉转1分45秒

Frozen yogurt bark: 冷冻酸奶脆片

In a large bowl combine greek yogurt, honey, and vanilla. Stir in fillings such as strawberries pieces: 在一个大碗中加入希腊酸奶、蜂蜜和香草精。拌入你喜欢的辅料,比如切片的草莓

Divide yogurt mixture between baking sheets, spreading into rectangles: 将酸奶混合物放在烘焙纸上,摊成长方形

Freeze 2 to 4 hours or until firm: 冰箱冷冻2-4小时,直至变硬


重点单词   查看全部解释    
flip [flip]


vt. 掷,弹,轻击
vi. 翻转

vanilla [və'nilə]


n. 香草
adj. 香草的,平淡的,乏

skillet ['skilit]


n. 煎锅

overnight ['əuvə'nait]


n. 前晚
adj. 通宵的,晚上的,前夜的<

bow [bau]


n. 弓
n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

bark [bɑ:k]


v. (狗)吠,咆哮
n. 狗吠,咆哮

drain [drein]


n. 下水道,排水沟,消耗
v. 耗尽,排出,

fold [fəuld]


n. 折层,折痕
vt. 折叠,包,交叉,拥抱

melted [meltid]


adj. 融化的;溶解的 v. 融化;溶解(melt的过

liquid ['likwid]


adj. 液体的,液态的
n. 液体





