Winning personality: 赢家个性
“Winning” emphasizes the importance of winning people over and create a win win situation: “赢家 "强调的是赢得人心,创造双赢
It means you don’t win at others’ expense. Rather, you win by winning people over and helping them win: 这意味着你不会以牺牲他人的利益为代价。相反,通过赢得他人并帮助他人赢得胜利
1. Self awareness:自我认知、自我认识
Recognizing one’s own strengths and weaknesses without exaggeration: 对自己的优点和缺点客观认识,不夸大
2. Confidence: 自信
Believing in one’s ability to succeed, which helps them take risks and navigate challenges: 相信自己有能力取得成功,能帮助你敢于承担风险、应对挑战
3. Humility: 谦卑
Having a modest view of one's own importance:谦卑看待自己的重要性
It involves being grounded, acknowledging one's limitations, and being open to learning from others: 这包括脚踏实地、承认自己的局限性,并愿意虚心向他人学习
4. Adaptability: 适应性
Being flexible and open to change, especially in response to new information or circumstances: 对变化持灵活开放的态度,尤其是在应对新信息或新情况时
5. Assertiveness: 果敢
Being confident and direct in expressing one's needs, opinions, and feelings while respecting the perspectives of others: 敢于分享自己的想法、观点、感受。同时又能尊重他人的观点
6. Curiosity: 好奇心
A strong desire to learn and grow, constantly seeking new knowledge and ways to improve: 强烈的学习和成长愿望,不断寻求新知识和提升的途径
7. Emotional intelligence: 情绪智商
The ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others, empathetic: 能够理解并管理自己和他人的情绪,具有同理心
8. Goal-oriented: 目标导向
Having a clear vision of what they want to achieve and setting specific, measurable steps to reach it: 对自己想要实现的目标有清晰的认识,并能为实现目标制定具体、可衡量的步骤
9. Discipline: 自律
Consistent habits and the ability to stay focused on long-term goals, even when motivation wanes: 能坚持不懈的保持习惯、专注于长期目标,即使在动力减退时
10. Perseverance:毅力、忍耐
Steadfastness and determination to continue working toward a goal or overcoming challenges despite difficulties, obstacles, or delays: 即使遇到困难、障碍或延误,仍能坚定不移地朝着目标努力、克服挑战
11. Persistence:坚持
Staying committed to goals, even when progress is slow or difficult:即使进展缓慢或困难重重,也能坚守目标
12. Resilience:韧劲、坚韧
The capacity to recover quickly from setbacks and keep moving forward despite obstacles:能从挫折中迅速恢复,克服困难继续前进
13. Optimism: 乐观
Maintaining a positive outlook, key in overcoming challenges and setbacks without getting discouraged:保持积极的心态,对于克服挑战、挫折而不气馁至关重要