保险英语口语字幕版 Unit 9
[00:00.00]All aboard for Allfinanz[00:02.72]The Germans coined the term Allfinanz,the marriage of banking with insurance and other services for retail customers,[00:10.71]yet their banks and insurers2007-07-21 编辑:alex 标签:
保险英语口语字幕版 Unit 8
[00:00.00]A risk management program[00:02.46]The scientific method of planning to deal with losses is called risk management.[00:08.12]A risk management program usually involves three steps:[00:12.772007-07-21 编辑:alex 标签:
保险英语口语字幕版 Unit 7
[00:00.00]Reinsurance in property and liability insurance[00:03.58]There are two essential ways in which risk is shared under reinsurance agreements in the field of property and liabity insurance.[002007-07-21 编辑:alex 标签:
保险英语口语字幕版 Unit 6
[00:00.00]Property insurance[00:01.85]SECTION 1 A[00:04.57]We will pay for loss of or damage to the buildings caused by[00:09.51]1 Fire,Lightning,Explosion or Earthquake[00:14.58]2 Smoke[00:16.54]but2007-07-21 编辑:alex 标签:
保险英语口语字幕版 Unit 5
[00:00.00]Different types of credit cover[00:02.51]·HEADING A[00:04.23]Offered by a number of underwriters in the UK and on the continent,this policy structure protects against the catastrophe risk.2007-07-21 编辑:alex 标签:
保险英语口语字幕版 Unit 4
[00:00.00]Shop around for the best car insurance[00:03.16]Shopping around for motor insurance really pays.[00:06.82]You might find a quote for half your present premium if you just took time to make2007-07-21 编辑:alex 标签:
保险英语口语字幕版 Unit 3
[00:00.00]How pensions work in the United States[00:02.77]A pension is an income payable after a worker retires,usually at the age of 60 or above,[00:09.90]depending on the provisions of the particul2007-07-21 编辑:alex 标签:
保险英语口语字幕版 Unit 2
[00:00.00]Some unique characteristics of life insurance[00:03.92]Life insurance is a risk-pooling plan,an economic device through which the risk of premature death is transferred from the individual2007-07-21 编辑:alex 标签:
保险英语口语字幕版 Unit 1
[00:00.00]A financial definition of insurance[00:02.93]Throughout human history,unexpected economic losses have occurred.[00:07.52]Such losses would continue to occur whether or not a system of insur2007-07-21 编辑:alex 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3

