特别声明该文章中的迷你对话选自口语书籍,对话精讲为可可编辑编写,版权归可可网站所有。第一、迷你对A: We used to be very friendly, but it seems now that my daughter’s marriage has taken its toll of our relationship.
power of thought 思维能力
Man's greatness lies in his power of thought. 人的伟大之处在于他的思想的力量。
power of expression 表达能力
Reading can enrich the power of expression. 阅读能够增进表达能力。
莎士比亚的《麦克白》中有个这样的场景:剧中的麦克德夫(Macduff)得知自己的家小都给麦克白下令杀死之后,惨然说道:“什么!我可爱的鸡雏和他们的母亲,都给鸷鸟一击夺命了?”(What, all my pretty chickens and their dam,/At one fell swoop?)这里的“鸡雏”和“鸷鸟”明显是比喻,麦克德夫用“鸡雏”比喻自己年幼的孩子,用“鸷鸟”这一猛禽...