零距离美语会话[社会问题]Lesson 2:About society
Two About society. 关于社会1 Introduction A Some people find it’s very meaningful to be kind to the young and care for the old. America is a wealthy nation, but it has many problems like poverty and2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[社会问题]Lesson 1:Breaking the law
Unit 7 Social Issues One Breaking the law. 违法1 Introduction Most Americans never have any contact with the police except for traffic violations. However,when other Americans break the law, they a2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[住房]Lesson 2:My mom likes to live alone
Two My mom likes to live alone.我妈妈喜欢一个人住。1 Introduction For several reasons, many retired Americans choose not to live with their grown children. Even elderly widows and widowers choose to2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[住房]Lesson 1:Do you rent an apartment or
Unit 6 Housing 住房问题One Do you rent an apartment or own it? 你租房住,还是住自己的房?1 Introduction The issue of housing is something that China and America generally have in common. In the U.S.,2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[职业]Lesson 2:Have you ever bought any insur
Two Have you ever bought any insurance?你买过保险吗?1 Introduction A Many more people buy insurance in America than in China. One reason is that Americans have more cars and they must get car insura2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[职业]Lesson 1:How is your job search going
Unit 5 EmploymentOne How is your job search going?你的工作找得怎么样了?1 IntroductionThe textbooks and classes in school and college can only teach some of the materials for work. Because each diffe2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[娱乐]Lesson 3:How often do you work out
Three How often do you work out?每隔多久锻炼一次?1 Introduction A Concerning physical exercise, American men and women, boys and girls, generally fall into one of two categories. Many Americans are2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[娱乐]Lesson 2:I love going to the mall
Two I love going to the mall.我爱逛商场。1 IntroductionA Clothing is pretty expensive in America. As a general rule prices are fixed, so don’t try bargaining for anything, except at some private sal2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[娱乐]Lesson 1:Let's take a vacation
Unit 4 EntertainmentOne Let’s take a vacation!我们去度假吧!1 IntroductionA Americans are very mobile, and travel is very popular for many people. In America, when people take a vacation, they often2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[家庭]Lesson 5:You can't change a child's behav
You can't change a child's behavior by using force!你不能用武力改变一个小孩的行为!1 Introduction In America, children are well protected by law. If parents beat or kick their kids and the pol2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[家庭]Lesson 4:International Marriage
Four International Marriage.涉外婚姻1 Introduction A Perhaps more than ever before, people from very different cultures marry each other. Such intercultural and interracial marriages have been more c2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[家庭]Lesson 3:Why did your parents have so
Three Why did your parents have so many?为什么你父母要这么多孩子?1 Introduction A Many American couples that can not have a baby come to Asia to adopt babies. 许多不能生育的美国夫妻来亚洲领养小孩。B2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[家庭]Lesson 2:Here comes the bride
Two Here comes the bride.新娘来了。1 IntroductionA Some American men have this thinking - why buy the cow if you can get all your milk free? 一些美国男人有这种思想——如果你可以免费得到牛奶的话,那又2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[家庭]Lesson 1:Modern dating
Unit 3 FamilyOne Modern dating现代约会1 IntroductionA For millions of singles, e-mail has become an essential tool in the dating game. It's a good tool for casually getting to know people. It expedi2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
零距离美语会话[信仰]Lesson 2:Do you believe in palmistry?
Two Do you believe in palmistry?你相信手相术吗?1 IntroductionA In America, thirteen is considered to be a superstitious number. So some buildings don’t have the thirteenth floor, instead, they go f2006-03-24 编辑:alex 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3

