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大学体验英语综合教程第四册Unit2:Passage B:Cultural Differences

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Cultural Differences

In 1993, I had my first opportunity to visit Russia as a representative of the University of California. I was there to provide some technical assistance in the area of agricultural labor management. "Russians are a very polite people," I had been tutored before my arrival. One of my interpreters, once I was there, explained that a gentleman should pour the limonad (a type of juice) for the ladies and show other courtesies to them.

 Toward the end of my three-week trip I was invited by my young Russian host and friend Dmitri Ivanovich and his lovely wife Yielena out to dinner. At the end of a wonderful meal Yielena asked if I would like a banana. I politely declined and thanked her, and explained I was most satisfied with the meal. But the whole while my mind was racing: "What do I do? Do I offer her a banana even though they are as close to her as they are to me? What is the polite thing to do?"  

 "Would you like a banana?" I asked Yielena.
"Yes," she smiled, but made no attempt to take any of the three bananas in the fruit basket. "What now?" I thought.
"Which one would you like?" I fumbled.

?"That one," she pointed at one of the bananas. So all the while thinking about Russian politeness I picked the banana Yielena had pointed at and peeled it half way and handed it to her. Smiles in Yielena and Dmitri's faces told me I had done the right thing. After this experience I spent much time letting the world know that in Russia, the polite thing is to peel the bananas for the ladies. Sometime during my third trip I was politely disabused of my notion.  

 "Oh no, Grigorii Davidovich," a Russian graciously corrected me. "In Russia, when a man peels a banana for a lady it means he has a romantic interest in her." How embarrassed I felt. And here I had been proudly telling everyone about this tidbit of cultural understanding. 

?Certain lessons have to be learned the hard way. Some well meaning articles and presentations on cultural differences have a potential to do more harm than good and may not be as amusing. They present, like my bananas, too many generalizations or quite a distorted view. 

?Some often-heard generalizations about the Hispanic culture include: Hispanics1 need less personal space, make less eye contact, touch each other more in normal conversation, and are less likely to participate in a meeting. Generalizations are often dangerous, and especially when accompanied by recommendations such as: move closer when talking to Hispanics, make more physical contact, don't expect participation, and so on.  

?Differences between people within any given nation or culture are much greater than differences between groups. Education, social standing, religion, personality, belief structure, past experience, affection shown in the home, and a myriad of other factors will affect human behavior and culture.  

?Sure there are differences in approach as to what is considered polite and appropriate behavior both on and off the job. In some cultures "yes" means, "I hear you" more than "I agree." Length of pleasantries and greetings before getting down to business, level of tolerance for being around someone speaking a foreign (not-understood) language, politeness measured in terms of gallantry or etiquette (e.g., standing up for a woman who approaches a table, yielding a seat on the bus to an older person, etc.) and manner of expected dress are all examples of possible cultural differences and traditions.  

 In Mexico it is customary for the arriving person to greet the others. For instance, someone who walks into a group of people eating would say provecho (enjoy your meal). In Chile, women often greet both other women and men with a kiss on the cheek. In Russia women often walk arm in arm with their female friends. Paying attention to customs and cultural differences can give someone outside that culture a better chance of assimilation or acceptance. Ignoring these can get an unsuspecting person into trouble.  
 There are cultural and ideological differences and it is good to have an understanding about a culture's customs and ways. Aaron Pun, a Canadian ODCnet correspondent, wrote: "In studying cross-cultural2 differences, we are not looking at individuals but a comparison of one ethnic group against others. Hence, we are comparing two bell curves3 and generalizations cannot be avoided." Another correspondent explained the human need to categorize. True, but the danger comes when we act on some of these generalizations, especially when they are based on faulty observations. Acting on generalizations about such matters as eye contact, personal space, touch, and interest in participation can have serious negative consequences. 

重点单词   查看全部解释    
gallantry ['gæləntri]


n. 勇敢,英勇,殷勤

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ]


adj. 有趣的,引人发笑的

yielding ['ji:ldiŋ]


adj. 屈从的,柔顺的,生产的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

peel [pi:l]


n. 果皮
vt. 削皮,剥落

distorted [dis'tɔ:tid]


adj. 歪曲的;受到曲解的 v. 扭曲(distort

measured ['meʒəd]


adj. 量过的,慎重的,基于标准的,有韵律的 动词me

assistance [ə'sistəns]


n. 帮助,援助

etiquette ['eti'ket]


n. 礼仪,礼节,成规





