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新交际英语小学四年级 BOOK 4 Lesson 8

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 4 lesson 8 A Rhyme
Seven Days of the Week
Wednesday is the middle day.
Saturday is the last day.
We are happy we can say,The names of the seven days.
lesson Eight
maths n.数学
science n.科学
sometimes adv.有时
sleep v.睡觉
first adj.第一
society n.社会
meeting n.会议
computer n.电脑
music n.音乐
activity n.活动
art n.艺术
subject n.科目
A Talk
Read and act.
Mum:What classes do you have on Friday morning?
Ben:We have English,Maths,Science and P.E.
Mum: So you have four classes in the morning
Ben:That's right.
Mum:How many classes do you have in the afternoon?
Ben:Two, but sometimes I have only one.Mum: Why?
Ben:Because I sleep in the first class sometimes.
Mum:What classes do you have on Friday morning?
Ben:We have English,Maths,Science and P.E.
Mum: So you have four classes in the morning
Ben:That's right.
Mum:How many classes do you have in the afternoon?
Ben:Two, but sometimes I have only one.Mum: Why?
Ben:Because I sleep in the first class sometimes.
Tammy and Dommy
Look,read and understand
Dommy:What do you usually do on Monday,Tammy?
Tammy:I go to school.
Dommy:What do you do on Tuesday?
Tammy:I go to school.
Dommy:What do you do on Wednesday,Thursday and Friday?
Tammy:I go to school!
Dommy:Then,do you want to go to my hometown?
Tammy: Yes,of course!
Dommy:But we are only free on Tail-day.You have to be at school nine days a week.
Tammy:Oh,no way!
Unit Review(4)
1.Listen and choose the words given to fill in the blanks.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
rhyme [raim]


n. 韵,押韵,韵文 vt. 押韵,用韵诗表达 vi.

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<


关键字: 交际英语 小学年级




