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小学英语(深港版)第三册 Lesson 9-10

来源:可可英语 编辑:Amy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 9 A birthday party
A Look and say.
This is lily.She's eleven.She's happy.
Look at the cake.It's pretty.
There are eleven candles.
This is Bobby.He's twelve. He's happy,too.
Look at the ribbon.It's pretty.
This is lily.She's eleven.She's happy.
Look at the cake. It's pretty.
There are eleven candles.
This is Bobby.He's twelve.
He's happy,too.
Look at the ribbon.It's pretty.
a candle a rion
a card a present
B Say and act.
Happy birthday,Tim!I like your party.
Thank you.Look at Tim.He has a present.
Oh,no!Look at Molly.She has a candle.
Haap birthday,Tim! I like your party.
Thank you.Look at Tim. He has a present.
Oh,no!Look at Molly.She has a candle.
C Storytime
My friend Ben has a birthday party.Please come,jack.
Ben's short.He's fat.He has small eyes and short hair.
I can buy a present for Ben.Oh!I know!
This is my friend,Ben Oh,no!Ben is old!
Happy birthday,Ben.Oh!Thank you.
E Say the sound and the words.
sh she short fish dish
sh she short fish dish
Draw the fish and say
She sees two short fish on the dish.
G Sing the song.
Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to you.You're seven today.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
lily ['lili]


adj. 纯白的 n. 百合花

candle ['kændl]


n. 蜡烛





