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最新版雅思听力指南 Test 3 section 2

来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


In a moment,you are going to hear an informative talk being given to a group of tourists before they are to enter Stonehenge Park,in England. The talk is to be given by Mr.Aaron Albright, the curator of the Stonehenge Museum.
Section 2 (1)
Aaron Albright:Hello,and good day to everyone here! My name is Aaron Albright and I am the curator of the Stonehenge Museum. I want to thank you all for coming out here to see us on this unusually beautiful afternoon. Before your tour of Stonehenge,please allow me to give you a short talk on the history of one of the most mysterious places on earth. however,Before I begin my talk I will give a brief explanation of the grounds of the park, including the location of the restrooms, one of the least mysterious places on earth. Before I start,let me introduce your tour guides, Eve Eton and David Davies. Eve and David will accompany you up the small hill to Stonehenge, where they will stay with you, in the event you may need some assistance. Eve is standing towards the back, on the left one side,with that group of people. She's the tall young woman with the short,wavy hair. She's wearing a T-shirt and slacks. Eve is a graduate student at Fuller University; she is working on her Master's degree in the study of the area we now call England during the prehistoric period. She is very knowledgeable on the subject of Stonehenge, and would be delighted to answer any questions you might have. Also standing with that same group of people is David Davies, but as he will be sure to tell you,please call him Dave. He's wearing a sweater jeans,and trainers. He has short,dark hair and wears glasses. Dave is a student at Salisbury University,majoring in archeology. He too,would be glad to answer questions. Now I will tell you about the park's facilities. Here on only four hectares of meadowland are six buildings,in addition to Stonehenge. First,this gray brick building behind me is the Snack Shop. Tea,coffee,soda and light snacks can be bought there. The two-story building to the right of the SnackShop is my home away from home,the museum. I hope everyone will come round and visit before they leave. To the left of the Snack Shop is another gray brick building. There you may wish to purchase souvenir and gift items; such as T-shirts,models and key chains. Located in front of me,and behind you,is the car park. On the left hand side of the car park are the restrooms, and to the right are the pay phones.

Finally,behind both the Snack Shop and me,up the hill,is Stonehenge.

Questions 12-16 according to section 2(1).Question 12-13 Choose the letters corresponding to the correct people.

12.Which person is Eve Eton?( ) 13.Which person is Dave Davies?( )
As for the detailed information.Please look at the picture of the book.

Question 14-16 Circle the letter indicating the position of the speaker
14.Where is Aaron Albright(the speaker)?

Please look at the map of the book for answer Write a number for 15 and 16.
15.the Visitor's Centre at Stonehenge has ( ) buildings.
16.Stonehenge and the Visitor's Center cover ( )hectaresof land.

Section 2 ( 2) Aaron Albright:More than 4,000 years ago, the people of the Neolithic period decided to build a massive monument using dirt,wood and later,stones, placing it high here,on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire,England about 137 kilometers southwest of London. Why Stonehenge was built still remains a mystery, with theories ranging from religion to astronomy. Some of what was Stonehenge still stands today,as mysterious and sacred as if must have been to the hundreds of people who helped build it. The stones of the main monument appear to form layers of circles and partial circles that surround the site. First there is an outer circle,which is now mostly in ruin. Within this larger circle are smaller stones, also set in circle formation. Within the centre of the monument are trilithons. Trilithon is the name given to two tall

stones standing side by side with one stone on top. Inside the set of trilithons is another set of smaller stones. Stonehenge was constructed in three phases,between 3,000 and 1,400BC. Erosion,time and human invasion have worn it down, leaving many stones in stumps similar to baby teeth. Although the site may not be as majestic as it once was, it still conveys a sense of power that seems to enclose people in its mystery, but not allowing anyone to finally understand what its purpose may have been. Today there is still enough left of Stonehenge to try to guess about its purpose, but not enough left to be sure of why or how it was constructed. Astronomers,archaeologists and historians all enjoy debating theories on its construction and purpose. By the way,another interesting fact is that the stones were brought from far distances to Salisbury Plain, using only muscle and primitive tools,like ropes and wooden levers. Some of the stones are thought to have been brought from Mariborough Downs, 30 kilometers to the north of Stonehenge, which is a feat incomparable by today's standards. But even more interesting is the mystery of the so-called'bluestones' The'bluestones are a set of ten stones that have a special colour. They are believed to have come from the Preseli Mountains in southwest Wales, nearly 385 kilometers away. How these stone each weighing 4 tonnes, arrived at Stonehenge is still debated. But regardless of how the stones came to the site, it would have required much effort, because at that time the wheel had not yet been invented. Clearly,a lot of trouble was taken ...

重点单词   查看全部解释    
explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

wheel [wi:l]


n. 轮子,车轮,方向盘,周期,旋转



vt. 构造,建造;创立,构筑;搭建(construct

primitive ['primitiv]


adj. 原始的
n. 原始人,文艺复兴前的艺

mystery ['mistəri]


n. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物

souvenir ['su:vəniə]


n. 纪念品

erosion [i'rəuʒən]


n. 腐蚀,侵蚀

detailed [di'teild]


adj. 详细的

sacred ['seikrid]


adj. 神圣的,受尊重的

purchase ['pə:tʃəs]


vt. 买,购买
n. 购买,购买的物品





