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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
As a matter of fact it was not particularly nice. It was rather dark and smelled very damp. There was only one room in it and this room went right up to the stone roof: a wooden staircase in one corner led up to a trap door by which you could get out on the battlements. There were a few rude bunks to sleep in, and a great many lockers and bundles. There was also a hearth which looked as if nobody had lit a fire in it for a great many years."我们最好还是首先出去搞点木柴来,要不要?"吉尔说。
"We'd better go out and gather some firewood first thing, hadn't we?" said Jill."且慢,伙伴们。"蒂莲说道。他下定决心,他们不该手无寸铁地束手就擒;他开始在柜子里搜索,感谢地记起自己总是小心谨慎地规定每年检查这些卫戌堡垒一次,确保一切必需的东西都有所储备。果然储备着不少东西:有弓弦,用油绸遮盖得好好的,有剑与矛,都涂上了油以防止生锈,有盔甲,包裹严密,依旧程亮生辉。但,甚至还有些更加美妙的东西。"瞧瞧!"蒂莲一边说一边抽出一件长长的式样新奇的锁子甲来,在孩子们的眼前挥动着。"这是件看土去挺有趣的锁子甲啊,陛下。"尤斯塔斯说道。
"Not yet, comrade," said Tirian. He was determined that they should not be caught unarmed, and began searching the lockers, thankfully remembering that he had always been careful to have these garrison towers inspected once a year and to make sure that they were stocked with all things needful. The bow strings were there in their coverings of oiled silk, the swords and spears were greased against rust, and the armour was kept bright in its wrappings. But there was something even better. "Look you!" said Tirian as he drew out a long mail shirt of a curious pattern and flashed it before the children's eyes."是呀,小伙子,"蒂莲说道,"纳尼亚小矮人可没人铸造得出这种锁子甲,这是卡乐门人的锁子甲,稀奇古怪的模样儿。我收藏了几套备用,因为我绝对不知道我或我的朋友什么时候会需要在’蒂斯罗克’的国土上行走而不被察觉。再瞧瞧这石头瓶子,这里面盛着一种液体,用它擦在我们的手上和脸上,就可以使我们的皮肤变成棕色,跟卡乐门人一模一样。"
"That's funny-looking mail, Sire," said Eustace."啊,呜啦I"吉尔说,"乔装改扮!我喜欢乔装改扮。"
"Aye, lad," said Tirian. "No Narnian Dwarf smithied that. 'Tis mail of Calormen, outlandish gear. I have ever kept a few suits of it in readiness, for I never knew when I or my friends might have reason to walk unseen in The Tisroc's land. And look on this stone bottle. In this there is a juice which, when we have rubbed it on our hands and faces, will make us brown as Calormenes."蒂蓬教他们怎样倒一点儿液体在手掌里,然后擦在脸上颈子上,一直擦到肩膀上,然后把液体擦在于臂上,一直擦到肘拐儿止。他自己也这样擦着。"这液体在我们皮肤上硬化以后,"他说,"我们就不怕在水里洗涤了,它不会褪色。只有用油与灰一同洗涤,才能使我们重新变成白皮肤的纳尼亚人。可爱的吉尔,让我们去试试这锁子甲是否适合你的身材。它长了点儿,可并不像我担心的那么长得过分。毫无疑问,它原来是属于’泰坎’的大批侍从中的某一个人的。"
"Oh hurrah!" said Jill. "Disguise! I love disguises."穿上锁子甲后,他们又戴上卡乐门头盔,那是个小小圆圆的东西,紧扣在脑袋上,顶上有个尖铁。接着,蒂莲从柜子里拿出长长一卷白布,缠在头盔的外面,直至缠成头巾方才罢休,但那小小的尖铁仍旧突出在当中间儿。他和尤斯塔斯拿了卡乐门弯刀和圆圆的小盾牌。可没有供吉尔用的、重量够轻的剑,但他给了她一把长长的笔直的猝猎用小刀,逢到紧急关头,可以拿它当作剑使用。"小姐,你可有点儿拉弓射箭的技术吗?"蒂莲问道。
Tirian showed them how to pour out a little of the juice into the palms of their hands and then rub it well over their faces and necks, right down to the shoulders, and then on their hands, right up to the elbows. He did the same himself."不值得一提,"吉尔红着脸说道,"斯克罗布的技术不坏。""别信她的话,陛下,"尤斯塔斯说,"上次我们从纳尼亚回去以后,一直在练习拉弓射箭,她跟我的技术大致差不多。但我们两个谁都不太高明。"
"After this has hardened on us," he said, "we may wash in water and it will not change. Nothing but oil and ashes will make us white Narnians again. And now, sweet Jill, let us go see how this mail shirt becomes you. 'Tis something too long, yet not so much as I feared. Doubtless it belonged to a page in the train of one of their Tarkaans."于是蒂莲给了吉尔一张弓和一个盛满箭的箭筒。第二桩事情是生了一炉火,因为置身堡垒之中,觉得并不像在室内,倒是更像在山洞内,叫人冷得发抖。但,他们把木柴搬进来时身上发热了——太阳正在中天——炉火轰隆轰隆向烟囱里踏上去时,这个地方看上去挺愉快舒适。然而,正餐却是单调乏味的,因为他们能做得到的上策,也只不过是把他们在一个柜子里的硬饼干敲碎,倒在沸水里,加上盐,煮成一种糊状的东西。除了水,也没有什么可喝的。"我要是能带来一盒茶叶就好了。"吉尔说。"或者是一罐可可粉也好。"尤斯塔斯道。"在这几个堡垒里,每一个堡垒里都有一小桶好酒,这可不会错的。"蒂莲说道。
After the mail shirts they put on Calormene helmets, which are little round ones fitting tight to the head and having a spike on top. Then Tirian took long rolls of some white stuff out of the locker and wound them over the helmets till they became turbans: but the little steel spike still stuck up in the middle. He and Eustace took curved Calormene swords and little round shields. There was no sword light enough for Jill, but he gave her a long, straight hunting knife which might do for a sword at a pinch.
"Hast any skill with the bow, maiden?" said Tirian.
"Nothing worth talking of," said Jill, blushing. "Scrubb's not bad."
"Don't you believe her, Sire," said Eustace. "We've both been practising archery ever since we got back from Narnia last time, and she's about as good as me now. Not that either of us is much."
Then Tirian gave Jill a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The next business was to light a fire, for inside that tower it still felt more like a cave than like anything indoors and set one shivering. But they got warm gathering wood - the sun was now at its highest - and once the blaze was roaring up the chimney the place began to look cheerful. Dinner was, however, a dull meal, for the best they could do was to pound up some of the hard biscuit which they found in a locker and pour it into boiling water, with salt, so as to make a kind of porridge. And of course there was nothing to drink but water.
"I wish we'd brought a packet of tea," said Jill.
"Or a tin of cocoa," said Eustace.
"A firkin or so of good wine in each of these towers would not have been amiss," said Tirian.

As a matter of fact it was not particularly nice. It was rather dark and smelled very damp. There was only one room in it and this room went right up to the stone roof: a wooden staircase in one corner led up to a trap door by which you could get out on the battlements. There were a few rude bunks to sleep in, and a great many lockers and bundles. There was also a hearth which looked as if nobody had lit a fire in it for a great many years.
"We'd better go out and gather some firewood first thing, hadn't we?" said Jill.
"Not yet, comrade," said Tirian. He was determined that they should not be caught unarmed, and began searching the lockers, thankfully remembering that he had always been careful to have these garrison towers inspected once a year and to make sure that they were stocked with all things needful. The bow strings were there in their coverings of oiled silk, the swords and spears were greased against rust, and the armour was kept bright in its wrappings. But there was something even better. "Look you!" said Tirian as he drew out a long mail shirt of a curious pattern and flashed it before the children's eyes.
"That's funny-looking mail, Sire," said Eustace.
"Aye, lad," said Tirian. "No Narnian Dwarf smithied that. 'Tis mail of Calormen, outlandish gear. I have ever kept a few suits of it in readiness, for I never knew when I or my friends might have reason to walk unseen in The Tisroc's land. And look on this stone bottle. In this there is a juice which, when we have rubbed it on our hands and faces, will make us brown as Calormenes."
"Oh hurrah!" said Jill. "Disguise! I love disguises."
Tirian showed them how to pour out a little of the juice into the palms of their hands and then rub it well over their faces and necks, right down to the shoulders, and then on their hands, right up to the elbows. He did the same himself.
"After this has hardened on us," he said, "we may wash in water and it will not change. Nothing but oil and ashes will make us white Narnians again. And now, sweet Jill, let us go see how this mail shirt becomes you. 'Tis something too long, yet not so much as I feared. Doubtless it belonged to a page in the train of one of their Tarkaans."
After the mail shirts they put on Calormene helmets, which are little round ones fitting tight to the head and having a spike on top. Then Tirian took long rolls of some white stuff out of the locker and wound them over the helmets till they became turbans: but the little steel spike still stuck up in the middle. He and Eustace took curved Calormene swords and little round shields. There was no sword light enough for Jill, but he gave her a long, straight hunting knife which might do for a sword at a pinch.
"Hast any skill with the bow, maiden?" said Tirian.
"Nothing worth talking of," said Jill, blushing. "Scrubb's not bad."
"Don't you believe her, Sire," said Eustace. "We've both been practising archery ever since we got back from Narnia last time, and she's about as good as me now. Not that either of us is much."
Then Tirian gave Jill a bow and a quiver full of arrows. The next business was to light a fire, for inside that tower it still felt more like a cave than like anything indoors and set one shivering. But they got warm gathering wood - the sun was now at its highest - and once the blaze was roaring up the chimney the place began to look cheerful. Dinner was, however, a dull meal, for the best they could do was to pound up some of the hard biscuit which they found in a locker and pour it into boiling water, with salt, so as to make a kind of porridge. And of course there was nothing to drink but water.
"I wish we'd brought a packet of tea," said Jill.
"Or a tin of cocoa," said Eustace.
"A firkin or so of good wine in each of these towers would not have been amiss," said Tirian.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
bow [bau]


n. 弓
n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

strings [striŋz]


n. (乐器的)弦 名词string的复数形式

cheerful ['tʃiəfəl]


adj. 高兴的,快乐的

chimney ['tʃimni]


n. 烟囱

rude [ru:d]


adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的
adj. 粗糙

rust [rʌst]


n. 铁,锈
vi. 生锈,变成红棕色

trap [træp]


n. 圈套,陷阱,困境,双轮轻便马车
v. 设

outlandish [aut'lændiʃ]


adj. 外国味的,奇异的

determined [di'tə:mind]


adj. 坚毅的,下定决心的





