n. 稳定性,居于修道院
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1.counterpartn.与对方地位相当的人, 与另一方作用相当的物
The sales directress phoned her counterpart in the other firm.
销售部的女经理给另一家公司的销售部经理打了电话 。
Deep-sea valleys are the counterparts of the mountain chains.
深海里的峡谷相当于陆地上的山脉 。
2.trucen.休战, 停战(协定);停止争辩(的协议)
a flag of truce
a truce between two warring sides
A truce was declared between the two armies.
两军之间宣布停战 。
A temporary truce had been reached earlier that year.
那年早些时候达成了暂时停火协定 。
The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism.
热天使这位老人暂时免受风湿病之苦 。
3.Integrityn.正直; 诚实, 诚恳
He is a man of the highest integrity.
他是个极其正直的人 。
完整, 完全, 完善
The old Roman walls may still be seen but not in their integrity.
古罗马城墙尚可见, 但已残缺不全 。
the evacuation of civilians from the area
Orders went out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.
为撤离该城作准备的命令已下达 。
5.swellvt. & vi.肿胀, 膨胀, 鼓起
Her leg has swollen badly.
她的腿肿得很厉害 。
The infection swelled his hand.
由于感染, 他的手肿了起来 。
增强, 增多, 扩大
His fortune has swollen during the war.
他的财产在战争期间大为增加 。
After the heavy rain the river swelled.
大雨过后, 河水猛涨 。
These small items help to swell the total.
这些小项目使总额增加了 。
The waves had taken on a deep swell.
海浪汹涌 。
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