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来源:可可英语 编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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American Sports English:boxing

P:Hey Yang Chen, Let's go bowling.


P:Well don't worry, you are in good hands. I'll teach you how to bowl.

Y:那你可要耐心点儿。Be very patient with me.

P:No problem. First you need to learn how to hold the bowling ball.

Well, first hold the ball in your left hand.

Y:Whoa, 好重啊,差点闪了我的腰。

P:It's not that heavy. Well, now put the first and second fingers of your right had in the top two holes and your thumb in the bottom hole.

Y:OK, Patrick, I'm ready! Now what do I do?

P:Walk up to the line at the top of the bowling lane with the ball and center yourself in the lane.

Y:Okay, 站到bowling lane保龄球道中间。

P:Now, hold the ball with your right hand only. Swing it behind you, and then swing it forward and let it go.

Y:Here it goes! (Thud of ball on the lane sound of going in the gutter).

P:Oh No, Yang Chen. Your ball went into the gutter.

Y:A gutter?

P:Yep, those long troughs on both sides of the bowling lane are gutters G-U-T-T-E-R-S. And when your ball goes in the gutter it is called a gutter ball.

Y:保龄球掉到旁边的沟里,就叫gutter ball沟球。

P:And since you didn't hit anything, you don't get any points, but you do get another chance.

Y:Okay, let me try again. 我再来一次。(Sound of ball hitting lane and going in the gutter) Rats! I got another gutterball.

P:It is pretty common to get gutterballs when you first start bowling. You just need practice.

Y:Okay, then let me try again. (Sound of ball hitting lane and going into gutter). Aiya! 又一个gutter ball!

P:Practice makes perfect!

A:原来,在拳击比赛中扔毛巾就是认输。Throw the towel 就指放弃,承认失败。

B:Let me teach you another expression that comes from boxing, to throw one's hat in the ring! It means to announce that you intend to compete for something.

A:哦,to throw one's hat in the ring, 把帽子扔进赛场里,就表示要参与竞争。

B:没错。For example, I threw my hat in the ring and became a candidate for the Student Council President.


B:哈哈,thanks, but I'm not really running for that position. I'm not interested in politics.


B:Exactly! That's my true calling!



文章关键字: 柿子 训练班 美语





