Lesson 7 On the Industrialization.
The process of industrialization involved the harnessing of inanimate sources of energy, the replacement of handicraft production with machine-based manufacturing, and the generation of new forms of business and labor organization.
Along with industrialization came demographic growth, large-scale migration, and rapid urbanization, which increased the demand for manufactured goods by the masses of working people. Societies that underwent industrialization enjoyed sharp increases in economic productivity: they produced large quantities of high-quality goods at low prices, and their increased productivity translated into higher material standards of living. Yet industrialization brought costs, in the form of unsettling social problems, as well as benefits. Family life changed dramatically in the industrial age as men, women, and children increasingly left their homes to work in factories and mines, often under appalling condition.
Socialist critics sought to bring about a more just and equitable society and government authorities curtailed the worst abuses of the early industrial era. Governments and labor unions both worked to raise living standards and provide security for working people.
Meanwhile, industrialization increasingly touched the lives of peoples around the world. Western European, North American, and Japanese societies followed Britain's lead into industrialization, while many African, Asian, and Latin American land become dependent on the export of raw materials to industrial societies.
inanimate 无生命的;无生气的(既可以表示生命体征,即死活状态,也可以表示精神风貌,如有气无力等)
demographic 人口的;人口统计学的
urbanization 城市化(随着工业化的发展,还有另一种发展,即逆城市化 'de-urbanization')
curtail 缩短;减缩;限制