Hi,大家好,我是AmyLee,给大家一个温馨小提示:想加入我们YY托福雅思备考的同学,请务必加入两个群:QQ群240982553,YY群:4072450 加入时请注明在可可上看见的,同时辅助交流的还有我们的备考小组,加入托福雅思全程备考小祖的同学请发送申请至邮箱:keke3096@qq.com请别忘了留下名字方便我们找到你。大家一起加油,向着梦想进发!
口语相比是大多数人头疼的难题,我也跟你们一样,从笨拙的唇舌之战中一路走来,想尽各种办法提高口语。不过最终我总结出来的还是:背诵和交流是提高口语的唯二途径!在此我介绍大家两个方法来提高口语,第一种是对优秀口语作文进行熟读和背诵,这样很多例子和句式都能学到,避免自己考试的时候那种大学生思维却小学生口语的严重不匹配;第二种是登陆我们的可可官方YY频道ID:3096,我们每日晚间21:30-23:00的真题训练和话题讨论,或是结识一些外国友人来锻炼自己。还等什么,快来畅所欲言吧!(YY语音软件下载等相关问题请至可可主页)Speak out guys,come on!
在此我每期为大家精选一份口语题目(出自黄金80题)以及给出一篇例文+范读Mp3(初学者可尝试套用,要求是读熟并背诵,并复制例文作为作业提交;advanced learner 则请自己写出自己的模板回帖!)
02.Some students would choose to study a subject because it brings plenty of job opportunities. Instead, others would choose to study a subject which really interests them, although it probably doesn’t sell well in the job market. Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why.
Well personally I surely prefer to choose a major which is easy to find a good job in the future, like finance or management for example. No one could deny the fact that the most common reason for us to study in a university is to get well prepared for a good job in the future. So whether or not it will lead to a good job, should be put into the first place when we choose our major. If I find a good job with decent salary, I can use the money we have earned from it to satisfy my interests then.so that's why i believe that students should choose their major which would potentially bring plenty of job opportunities for them.
每天都要坚持练口语哦!不练口语的话唇舌不流利病是容易反复的,口语能力反弹很可怕,所以要多说多练!范读只是一个小sample,虽然不会是最好的,但希望大家能像我们一样勇敢地开口说,注意volume, pitch,pace,以及vocal variety,这些方面都会影响到考试时口语分数。
我们每晚21:30准时在YY上等你!尤其是考前一个月,希望大家每天坚持过来,就说这么多啦,see ya ~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦