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来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


David and Joy,come on ,we're having a family meeting.
What are we going to talk about?
About where we are going for our holiday.
Your mother and I have decided to go somewhere in China.
Do you kids have any ideas?
I want to go somewhere warm.
Yeah.Could we go scuba diving?
I think that's a great idea.
How about Haiman Island?
Could you tell us how long we're going to be away?
About two weeks.
Do you know where we can stay on the island?
We don't know much about Hainan Island either.
Let's try to find some information about it.OK?
Learn and speak
Joy wants to find information about Hainan Island on the Internet,
But she doesn't know how.She asks David to help her.
Dave,could you please teach me how to search the Internet.
Sure.But I don't have time right now.
I'll write down how you can do it,and you can do it by yourself.
Thanks a lot.
How to search the Internet:
1.Double left click on the Internet icon.
2.At the top of the page,
type in the website, and press the enter button.
3.Type in Hainan Island and press the enter button.
4.Left click on any interesting story about Hainan Island




