UNIT 8 Lesson 29
1.2 What's the weather like in Beijing
at the moment?
It's cloudy and the temperature is 10 degrees.
What's about Hong Kong?
What's the weather like there?
It's rainy but it's not cold.
The temperature is 22 degrees.
What's the weather like in London?
In London it's cold and foggy.
The temperature is 7 degrees.
And what about Toronto?
In Toronto,it's snowing
and it's colder than in London
just 2 degrees!
Well,what about Sydney?
What's the weather like over there?
In Sydey,it's another story.
The weather is hot and sunny.
It's 32 degrees.
Wow!And,lastly,in Cape Town?
In Cape Town,it's quite cool at the moment
just 15 degrees and it's windy.
2.1 And now,for today's weather report.
It's a beautiful day in Buenos Aires.
It's sunny and the temperature is 25 degrees.
It's raining in San Franciso though,
and it is only 12 degrees.
Moscow is covered with snow,
and it's cold-miuns 10 degrees.
People in Cairo are having a windy day today
and the temperature is 22 degrees.
Finally,Tokyo is hot-it's 30 degrees there today
And that's the end of our world weather report.
OK.To start with,we are looking at the weather
in your area right now...
and in Montana it is snowy and cold .
So stay at home and drink some het chocolate!
In California,it is windy and warm.
So it is good weather for windsurfing.
And in Florida,it is hot,hot,hot,and sunny.
So it is a great day for swimming!