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北师大版初中英语七年级下Unit 12 lesson 47-1

来源:可可英语 编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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UNIT 12 Lesson 47
1.1 March 10th - The Great Wall
Lisa and I left Beijing at about nine o'clock
and drove to the Great Wall at a place
called Badaling.
This is the part of the wall
that receives the most visitors
and there were many people there
that day.
It was quite cold up on the wall
and it was very windy.
I bought a hat to keep my ears warm.
I also bought some postcards.
Lisa bought a beautiful book
about the history of the wall.
We walked on the wall for about four hours.
Then we were hungry,
so we ate at a restaurant near the exit.
Then we drove back to the capital.
It was a fantastic trip!
The Great Wall follows the shape of the land
and so it goes up and down a lot.
So it's hard work for walking.
It'a amazing how long the wall is!
In this photo you can see how the wall
disappears far into the distance.
There are watchtowers along the wall.
In some places,you can climb up to the roof.
From the top you get a great view of the wall.

关键字: 北师大 初中 英语




