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北师大初中英语九年级 unit4 lesson 15

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 4 Inventions and Inventors
Lesson 15
Exercise 1.2
In many big cities in the world ,
the over use of cars is thought to be
one of the major causes of air pollution,
What will cars be like in the future?
Some experts think that today's cars are
in trouble because they use too much gas,
They say the car of the future will be much,
much smaller.
The car of tomorrow will be made without a
motor or air conditioning.
It'll have no radio and no lights,
Tomorrow's car will be an open air car
with no doors and windows,
It won't need a pollution control system
because it won't use gas .
In fact,this new car will be pushed
by the driver's feet,
Very few people will be killed in accidents,
because the top speed will be
five miles per hour.
However,we are also warned not to
ask for pretty colors,
because the cars will come in gray only.
Other car experts do not hold the same idea.
They are sure that the future will be happy.
They think that all our problems will
soon be solved by car companies
with the production of the Supercar.
Tomorrow's car will be bigger,faster,
and more comfortable than before.
The Supercar will have four rooms ,
color Tv,running water,heat,air conditioning.
and maybe a swimming pool.
Large families will travel
on long trips comfortably.
If gas is in short supply,
the Supercar will run on water.
Exercise 2.1
Ask the Expert:
The page where we try to answer
all your problems,large and small.
My question is about food,
especially about fruit.
Is it possible to freeze strawberries?
Many fruit can be frozen very easily.
As a rule,
soft fruits like strawberries,etc.
are difficult to freeze.
I have just bought a shirt in a street market.
The shirt is white
and it has some dark blue letters,
How should I wash it?
You should be careful the first time
you wash your shirt
because the blue color might come out
and mark the white part.
A shirt like this should be washed
in cold water,by hand.
I have a new computer.Is it okay
if I put it on the desk under the window?
It depends.
Does the window receive a lot of sunlight?
Electrical machine shouldn't be put under
sunlight because the heat can cause problems.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

freeze [fri:z]


v. 冻结,冷冻,僵硬,凝固
n. 结冰,冻结





