Today in History: Saturday, September 29, 2012
On Sept. 29,1789 The U.S. War Department established a regular army with a strength of several hundred men.
1789年9月29日,美国陆军部成立了一个数百人力量的正规军 。
1918,Allied forces scored a decisive breakthrough on the Hindenburg Line during World War I.
1918年,在第一次世界大战攻占兴登堡线中盟军取得决定性突破 。
1957,Baseball's New York Giants played their last game at the Polo Grounds before moving to San Francisco for the next season.
1957年,棒球纽约巨人队在下赛季搬至旧金山前进行了他们的最后一场比赛 。
1978,Pope John Paul I was found dead in his Vatican apartment a little more than one month after becoming head ,of the Roman Catholic Church.
1978年,约翰·保罗一世在成为罗马天主教堂首领后的一个多月,被发现死在他的梵蒂冈公寓 。
2000,Israeli riot police stormed a major Jerusalem shrine and opened fire on stone-throwing Muslim worshippers, killing four Palestinians and wounding 175.
2000年,以色列防暴警察袭击了耶路撒冷的一个主要圣地并向投掷石块的穆斯林信徒开火,造成四名巴勒斯坦人死亡,175人受伤 。
2005,John Roberts was sworn in as the nation's 17th chief justice.
2005年,约翰·罗伯茨宣誓就任国家第17任首席大法官 。
2008,The Dow Jones industrial average fell a record 777.68 points after the House defeated a $700 billion emergency rescue plan for the nation's financial system.
2008年,在众议院否决对国家金融体系提供7000亿美元的应急救助计划后后,道琼斯工业平均指数下跌了创纪录的777.68点 。