Today in History: Monday, October 01, 2012
On Oct. 1, 1949, Mao Zedong proclaimed the People's Republic of China during a ceremony in Beijing.
1949年10月1日,在北京开国大典上,毛泽东宣布中华人民共和国成立 。
1903 The visiting Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Boston Americans 7-3 in the first World Series game.
1903年,在世界系列游戏中,客场匹兹堡海盗队以7-3击败美国波士顿对 。
1908 Henry Ford introduced the Model T automobile to the market; each car cost $825.
1908年,亨利·福特将T型汽车引入市场,每辆价格825美元 。
1936 General Francisco Franco was proclaimed the head of an insurgent Spanish state.
1936年,弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥被推为西班牙起义军首领 。
1939 Winston Churchill described the Soviet Union as "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" during a radio broadcast.
1939年,温斯顿·丘吉尔在无线电广播中形容苏联是"一个包藏在谜团里的迷中之谜" 。
1961 Roger Maris of the New York Yankees hit his 61st home run of the season, breaking the record Babe Ruth set in 1927.
1961年,纽约洋基队罗杰·马里斯击出了他本赛季的第61个本垒打,打破了贝比鲁斯1927年创下的纪录 。
1962 Johnny Carson debuted as regular host of NBC's "Tonight" show.
1962年,约翰尼·卡森首次在NBC脱口秀节目"今夜"亮相 。
1964 The Free Speech Movement was launched at the University of California at Berkeley.
1964年,加州大学伯克利分校发起言论自由运动 。
1971 Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, Fla.
1971年,沃尔特·迪斯尼世界打在佛罗里达州奥兰多市创立 。
1982 Sony began selling the first commercial compact disc player in Japan.
1982年,索尼在日本开始出售第一个商用光盘播放机 。
1993 Polly Klaas, 12, was abducted from her Petaluma, Calif., home during a slumber party and murdered. (Her case inspired California's three-strikes law.)
1993年,12日岁的polly Klaas在加州佩特卢马的一次家庭聚会中遭绑架并被谋杀 。
2008 A $700 billion financial industry bailout won lopsided passage in the Senate, 74-25, after it was loaded with tax breaks and other sweeteners.
2008年,夹杂着减税和其它暗箱的7000亿美元金融救援方案在参议院以74-25大比分通过 。