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高中英语牛津版高一上学期CHAPTER FIVE

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CHAPTER FIVE Reading page 74
'Five minutes to go.'shouted the floor manager.'Is everyone ready?'
Debbie and her friend Angela were in a television studio,
watching the recording of a quiz programme.
'I'm glad I'm not one of the contestants!'whispered Debbie.
'They must feel really worried now!'
'Oh,I would love to be a contestant,'said Angela.
The three real contestants,two women and a man.
were sitting at their desks,waiting.
The hot lights were shining down on them.
Suddenly,one of the women stood up,
put a hand over her eyes,and then fell forward across the desk.
'Oh,she's fainted.'grasped Debbie.
Some television staff rushed to the poor woman,and helped her away.
'Three minutes to go,'shouted the floor manager.
The director hurried down from the control room.
'We need another contestant,'he shouted,desperately.
He asked the audience whether anyone wanted to be a contestant.
Several hands went up.
The director looked around.
The nearest hand belonged to Angela.
'You're on!'he shouted,and pulled her up onto the stage.
'Make0up artist,come here!'he demanded.
A girl rushed forward and quickly powdered Angela's face and combed her hair.
'That will have to do,'said the director.
He told Angela to sit behind a desk.
'Ten seconds,'shouted the floor manager.
'Smile,everyone.Cue Lester!'
He held his hands up and clapped.
and everyone in the audience started clapping,too.A voice boomed out.
'It's time for the Travel Quiz,and here's your host,Lessssster Liiiii!'
Lester Li,with a big smile on his face,came running in.
He told some jokes,
introduced the three contestants and then started the quiz.
Angela was terrific.She smiled and looked relaxed.
She had seen this quiz on television many times before,and knew the rules.
She answered the questions quickly.
and was soon ahead of the other two contestants.
Debbie,however,was a bag of nerves.
She sat on the edge of her seat and chewed her fingernails!
Twenty0five minutes later,Angela was in the final.
She had beaten the other contestants,and was on her own.
If she answered six more questions correctly within one minute.
she would win the mystery prize.
Debbie was so excited she could hardly keep still.
Lester asked the questions,and Angela kept getting them right.
Just one to go,and ten seconds left!
'And finally,where is the Jurong Bird Park?'asked Lester.
'In Singapore,'replied Angela.
'Right!'shouted Lester as the audience applauded.
'You have won tonight's mystery prize.
which is a trip for two the lovely island of Bali!'
page 77,
Understanding features on a map.
Listen to the questions on the recording and write short answers.
1.How many towns are there on the map?
2.Can you get to all of the towns by road?Answer'yes'or'no'.
3.Which town is in square number A5?
4.Find the town of Weston,which square is it in?
5.How many hills are there on the map?
6.Which hill is the higher one?
7.Look at square number A2,what is in the square?
8.Look at square number C4,what is in this square?
9.Find the dam on the map,which square is it in?
10.Find the Fire Station on the map,which square is it in?
11.If you want to go to a church,which town must you go to?
12.Imagine that you live in MIDVILLE
in which town is the nearest sport center to you?
13.If you want to go to a police station which town must you visit?:48.53]14.In which square is the hospital?
15.Which town must you go to if you want to get on a tram?
16.In which town is the railway station?
17.From which town can you get a ferry?
18.Look at the area between Horse Hill and Norton.
what is being built between these two places?
19.Look at square number D2,does the road go over the railway?
20.Look at square number C3,does the road go over the railway?
21.Which town is to the East of Horse Hill?
22.Which town is to the northwest of Seaton?
23.Which town is in the southwest corner of the map.
24.If you are in Seaton,in which direction is Midville?
25.If you are on the train going from Cooktown to Norton.
in which direction are you travelling?
pages 83 and 84.
Voiced and unvoiced consonants.
Exercise A1,
1.[k]can camera.
contact control take,
[g] go got,
big angle.
2.[p]pass picture.
production place.
[b]by big,
broadcast balance,
3.[t]top time,
light right,
[d]deal director,
episode made,
Exercise A2,
1.came game pick pig ankle angle.
2.pig big path bath pay bay.
3.tie die town down bat bad.
page 91.
From watching TV to using DVD.
meaning'far',and the Latin word'videre',meaning'seeing'.
Watching TV was,and still is,a major pastime for many people.
But recently DVD has begun to enter the homes of thousands of ordinary people.
Many of you must be smart enough to figure out the meanings of the two D's in the name.
the first'D'stands for'digital'and the second'D'for'disc'.
Therefore,a CVD means a Digital Video Disc.
Compared with watching TV,using DVD is a big step forward.
One advantage of the DVD is that being digital,the picture quality is excellent.
As there is no more wear and tear,every viewing is as good as the first.
just a sharp and crisp picture all the time!
Another advantage is that some DVDs can store as much as four hours of programmes.
After inserting the disc into the player.
a menu will appear that allows you to enjoy various chapters from the movie.
You can choose full screen or wide screen as you like.
possibly from different camera angles!
Because of its various functions.
DVD today also stands for Digital Versatile Disc.
page 92.
Listen to the two short advertisements for flat TV and do the exercises.
1.The Star Flat TV It's got a 42 inch screen and a depth of only 4.5 inches.
It's so thin in fact,it can be mounted directly on the wall.
and with a built in 120W surround sound.
my Star Flat TV creates true to life feelings.
So why should I buy an old last piece when Star Flat TV can bring my wall to life.
I've got with's getting better.
2.The Moon Waga TV offers the richest and most realistic.
picture and sounds that had never been thought possible.
The virtual dol by0surround sound offers a sound so real.
you feel the action taking place right in your living room.
The Moon Waga series let you view the world in four sides.
The EF series offers 290inch and 340inch.
while the XF series offers 210inch,250inch 290inch and 340inch screens.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

relaxed [ri'lækst]


adj. 放松的, 松懈的,随意的 relax的过去式(

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

realistic [riə'listik]


adj. 现实的,现实主义的

versatile ['və:sətail]


adj. 多才多艺的,多方面的,通用的

cue [kju:]


n. 暗示,提示,信号
vt. 给 ... 提

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型





