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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Sire," said the Raven. "You shall hear no better plot than the Faun's though we sat in council for seven days. And now, as we birds say, nests before eggs. Which is as much as to say, let us all take our food and then at once be about our business."“陛下,”渡鸦说道,”我们虽然坐下来商量了七天,你不会听到比羊怪的计策更高明的了。唔,我们鸟儿说得好,先筑巢,后生蛋。这就是说:让我们大家先吃饭,然后立刻动手办事去。”
Everyone arose at this and the doors were opened and the lords and the creatures stood aside for the King and Queen to go out first. Shasta wondered what he ought to do, but Mr Tumnus said, "Lie there, your Highness, and I will bring you up a little feast to yourself in a few moments. There is no need for you to move until we are all ready to embark."听到这话,每个人都站了起来,房门打开了,王爷和其他随从站在一边,让国王和女王先走出门去。沙斯塔不知道他该怎么办。但图姆纳斯先生说,”殿下,你躺在这儿,过一会儿我就替你送点儿佳肴来。在我们大家准备好要上船之前,你就无需行动了。”
Shasta laid his head down again on the pillows and soon he was alone in the room.沙斯塔把脑袋重新搁在枕头上,不久就剩下他一个人在房间里了。
"This is perfectly dreadful," thought Shasta. It never came into his head to tell these Narnians the whole truth and ask for their help. Having been brought up by a hard, closefisted man like Arsheesh, he had a fixed habit of never telling grown-ups anything if he could help it: he thought they would always spoil or stop whatever you were trying to do. And he thought that even if the Narnian King might be friendly to the two horses, because they were Talking Beasts of Narnia, he would hate Aravis, because she was a Calormene, and either sell her for a slave or send her back to her father. As for himself, "I simply dn't tell them I'm not Prince Corin now," thought Shasta. "I've heard all their plans. If they knew I wasn't one of themselves, they'd never let me out of this house alive. They'd be afraid I'd betray them to the Tisroc. They'd kill me. And if the real Corin turns up, it'll all come out, and they will!" He had, you see, no idea of how noble and free-born people behave.“这情况万分可怕。”沙斯塔心中想道。他脑子里从来没有想过要把全部真相告诉纳尼亚人,要求他们的帮助。他从小是由一个像阿什伊什那样心肠硬、拳头大的人带大的,养成了一个固定不变的习惯,如果他想得出办法,他就什么也不告诉成年人,他认为成年人总是破坏或阻挠他正在试图干的事情的。而且他认为:即使纳尼亚国王会友好对待两匹马儿,因为它们是纳尼亚的说人话的牲口,他也会憎恨阿拉维斯,因为她是个卡乐门人,他若不把她当做奴隶卖掉,也会把她送回她父亲那儿去。至于他自己呢,”我现在简直不敢告诉他们:我并不是王子科林。”沙斯塔想道,”我已经听到了他们的全部计划,如果他们知道我并不是纳尼亚王族一员,他们就决不会让我活着走出这个房间。他们会担心我把他们出卖给蒂斯罗克的。如果真正的科林出现了,事情就拆穿了,他们就一定会把我宰了!”你瞧,他对于高尚而天生自由的人们如何立身行事,脑子里是毫无概念的。
"What am I to do? What am I to do?" he kept saying to himself. "What-hullo, here comes that goaty little creature again."“我怎么办呢?我怎么办呢?”他不断地跟自己说道,”怎么——呀,羊一般的小家伙又来了。”:
The Faun trotted in, half dancing, with a tray in its hands which was nearly as large as itself. This he set on an inlaid table beside Shasta's sofa, and sat down himself on the carpeted floor with his goaty legs crossed.羊怪半是跳着舞,小跑着走进房间,他双手捧着个盘子,几乎跟他的身体一般儿大。他把盘子放在沙斯塔沙发旁边一张镶嵌螺钿的桌子上。他自己交叉着羊腿坐在铺着地毯的地板上。
"Now, princeling," he said. "Make a good dinner. It will be your last meal in Tashbaan."“喂,小王子,”他说,”好好地吃一顿正餐。这是你在塔什班吃的最后一餐了。”
It was a fine meal after the Calormene fashion. I don't know whether you would have liked it or not, but Shasta did. There were lobsters, and salad, and snipe stuffed with almonds and truffles, and a complicated dish made of chickenlivers and rice and raisins and nuts, and there were cool melons and gooseberry fools and mulberry fools, and every kind of nice thing that can be made with ice. There was also a little flagon of the sort of wine that is called "white" though it is really yellow.这是一顿卡乐门风味的美餐。我不知道你喜不喜欢,可沙斯塔喜欢。有龙虾,有色拉,有肚子里塞了块菌和杏仁的鹊,有鸡肝、米粒、葡萄干、果仁等的炒什锦,还有冰凉的瓜、奶油醋栗、奶油桑葚以及一切能与米饭一起煮来吃的好东西。另有一小壶被称为”白酒”其实是黄色的酒。
While Shasta was eating, the good little Faun, who thought he was still dazed with sunstroke, kept talking to him about the fine times he would have when they all got home; about his good old father King Lune of Archenland and the little castle where he lived on the southern slopes of the pass. "And don't forget," said Mr Tumnus, "that you are promised your first suit of armour and your first war horse on your next birthday. And then your Highness will begin to learn how to tilt and joust. And in a few years, if all goes well, King Peter has promised your royal father that he himself will make you Knight at Cair Paravel. And in the meantime there will be plenty of comings and goings between Narnia and Archenland across the neck of the mountains. And of course you remember you have promised to come for a whole week to stay with me for the Summer Festival, and there'll be bonfires and all-night dances of Fauns and Dryads in the heart of the woods and, who knows?-we might see Aslan himself!"沙斯塔吃饭时,善良的小羊怪认为他中暑尚未痊愈,便不断地讲给他听:他们大家一起回到家乡后,他就会过好日子了;讲起他的善良的老父亲,阿钦兰的国王伦恩,以及要隘南坡国王所住的堡垒。”你可别忘了,”图姆纳斯先生说道,”在你下次的生日里,会答应给你第一套盔甲和第一匹战马的。于是殿下就要开始学习骑马持矛冲刺和比武了。几年以后,如果一切顺利,国王彼得已经答允你的父王,他要亲自封你为凯尔帕拉维尔的骑士。在此期间,纳尼亚和阿钦兰穿过群山之间的侠士也会有许多来往。当然你记得你曾答允要来和我一起呆上一个星期,过盛夏节,那时会有大篝火,在森林的中心会有羊怪和树精的通宵跳舞,而且,谁知道呢?——说不定我们会看到阿斯兰本人呢!”

"Sire," said the Raven. "You shall hear no better plot than the Faun's though we sat in council for seven days. And now, as we birds say, nests before eggs. Which is as much as to say, let us all take our food and then at once be about our business."

Everyone arose at this and the doors were opened and the lords and the creatures stood aside for the King and Queen to go out first. Shasta wondered what he ought to do, but Mr Tumnus said, "Lie there, your Highness, and I will bring you up a little feast to yourself in a few moments. There is no need for you to move until we are all ready to embark."

Shasta laid his head down again on the pillows and soon he was alone in the room.

"This is perfectly dreadful," thought Shasta. It never came into his head to tell these Narnians the whole truth and ask for their help. Having been brought up by a hard, closefisted man like Arsheesh, he had a fixed habit of never telling grown-ups anything if he could help it: he thought they would always spoil or stop whatever you were trying to do. And he thought that even if the Narnian King might be friendly to the two horses, because they were Talking Beasts of Narnia, he would hate Aravis, because she was a Calormene, and either sell her for a slave or send her back to her father. As for himself, "I simply dn't tell them I'm not Prince Corin now," thought Shasta. "I've heard all their plans. If they knew I wasn't one of themselves, they'd never let me out of this house alive. They'd be afraid I'd betray them to the Tisroc. They'd kill me. And if the real Corin turns up, it'll all come out, and they will!" He had, you see, no idea of how noble and free-born people behave.

"What am I to do? What am I to do?" he kept saying to himself. "What-hullo, here comes that goaty little creature again."

The Faun trotted in, half dancing, with a tray in its hands which was nearly as large as itself. This he set on an inlaid table beside Shasta's sofa, and sat down himself on the carpeted floor with his goaty legs crossed.

"Now, princeling," he said. "Make a good dinner. It will be your last meal in Tashbaan."

It was a fine meal after the Calormene fashion. I don't know whether you would have liked it or not, but Shasta did. There were lobsters, and salad, and snipe stuffed with almonds and truffles, and a complicated dish made of chickenlivers and rice and raisins and nuts, and there were cool melons and gooseberry fools and mulberry fools, and every kind of nice thing that can be made with ice. There was also a little flagon of the sort of wine that is called "white" though it is really yellow.

While Shasta was eating, the good little Faun, who thought he was still dazed with sunstroke, kept talking to him about the fine times he would have when they all got home; about his good old father King Lune of Archenland and the little castle where he lived on the southern slopes of the pass. "And don't forget," said Mr Tumnus, "that you are promised your first suit of armour and your first war horse on your next birthday. And then your Highness will begin to learn how to tilt and joust. And in a few years, if all goes well, King Peter has promised your royal father that he himself will make you Knight at Cair Paravel. And in the meantime there will be plenty of comings and goings between Narnia and Archenland across the neck of the mountains. And of course you remember you have promised to come for a whole week to stay with me for the Summer Festival, and there'll be bonfires and all-night dances of Fauns and Dryads in the heart of the woods and, who knows?-we might see Aslan himself!"










重点单词   查看全部解释    
plot [plɔt]


n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,
v. 绘

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

embark [im'bɑ:k]


v. 乘船,着手,从事

tilt [tilt]


vt. (使)倾斜
vi. 抨击,争论

spoil [spɔil]


n. 战利品,奖品
v. 宠坏,溺爱,破坏,腐

betray [bi'trei]


vt. 误导,出卖,背叛,泄露
vi. 证明

knight [nait]


n. 骑士,爵士,武士 vt. 授以爵位


关键字: 男孩 能言马 小说




