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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Then, just as Ginger had done, Emeth came walking forward into the open strip of grass between the bonfire and the stable. His eyes were shining, his face very solemn, his hand was on his sword-hilt, and he carried his head high. Jill felt like crying when she looked at his face. And Jewel whispered in the King's ear, "By the Lion's Mane, I almost love this young warrior, Calormene though he be. He is worthy of a better god than Tash."接着,就像金格一样,伊梅思走上前来,进入簧火与马厩之间的那片开阔的草地。他的眼睛闪闪发光,他的脸色庄重,他的手按在剑柄上,他的头昂得高高的。吉尔望着他的脸时,觉得自己快要哭了。珍宝在国王的耳边低语道:"狮王的旅毛啊,我几乎爱上这年轻的战士了,虽然他是个卡乐门士兵。比塔什更好的神才值得他尊敬哩。"
"I do wish we knew what is really inside there," said Eustace."我但愿我们能知道马厩里确实设置了什么东西。"尤斯塔斯说道。
Emeth opened the door and went in, into the black mouth of the stable. He closed the door behind him. Only a few moments passed - but it seemed longer before the door opened again. A figure in Calormene armour reeled out, fell on its back, and lay still: the door closed behind it. The Captain leaped towards it and bent down to stare at its face. He gave a start of surprise. Then he recovered himself and turned to the crowd, crying out:伊梅思打开门走进去,进入了马厩漆黑的嘴巴。他关上他背后的门。只过了片刻——但感觉上仿佛时间更长——门又重新打开了。一个穿卡乐门锁子甲的人影儿摇摇晃晃地退出门来,仰面倒在地上,躺在那儿一动也不动了。马厩的门重新关上。队长向那人跳将过去,俯下身来仔细打量他的脸。他吓了一跳。然后他恢复镇静,转脸面向大伙儿,大声喊道:
"The rash boy has had his will. He has looked on Tash and is dead. Take warning, all of you.""这个鲁莽的孩子达到了他的愿望啦。他看到了塔什神,死了。你们大家都要引为鉴戒。"
"We will, we will," said the poor Beasts. But Tirian and his friends stared at the dead Calormene and then at one another. For they, being so close, could see what the crowd, being further off and beyond the fire, could not see: this dead man was not Emeth. He was quite different: an older man, thicker and not so tall, with a big beard."我们要,我们要引为鉴戒的。"可怜的野兽们说道。但,蒂莲和他的朋友们,先盯住死掉的卡乐门士兵仔细打量一番,然后彼此又互相看了一眼。因为他们离尸体很近,能看到大伙儿(离得远,又在簧火的背后)没法儿看到的景象:死人并不是伊梅思。死人截然不同,是个年纪较大的人,身材比较粗大,可不及伊梅思高,还长着一把大胡子。
"Ho-ho-ho," chuckled the Ape. "Any more? Anyone else want to go in? Well, as you're all shy, I'll choose the next. You, you Boar! On you come. Drive him up, Calormenes. He shall see Tashlan face to face.""嗬—嗬—嗬,"无尾猿吃吃笑道,"还有什么人吗,还有什么人要进来,得了,既然你们大家都不好意思,我就来挑选下一个。野猪,你过来。卡乐门士兵,把他押过来。它得面对面地见见塔什神。"
"O-o-mph," grunted the Boar, rising heavily to his feet. "Come on, then. Try my tusks.""奥—奥—姆比,"野猪咕咕哝哝地说道,它沉重地站起身来,"那就来吧。试试我的撩牙吧。"
When Tirian saw that brave Beast getting ready to fight for its life - and Calormene soldiers beginning to close in on it with their drawn scimitars - and no one going to its help - something seemed to burst inside him. He no longer cared if this was the best moment to interfere or not.当蒂莲看到勇敢的野猪准备为它的生命而拼搏——卡乐门士兵开始拔出弯刀逼拢来——没有哪一个跑出来支援野猪——他内心里有个东西突然发作了。他不再关心这究竟是干预或不干预的最佳时刻了。
"Swords out," he whispered to the others. "Arrow on string. Follow.""拔出剑来,"他对其他的人低声说道,"箭搭在弦上。跟着我上。"
Next moment the astonished Narnians saw seven figures leap forth in front of the stable, four of them in shining mail. The King's sword flashed in the firelight as he waved it above his head and cried in a great voice:紧接着的刹那之间,吃惊的纳尼亚野兽看到七个黑影在马厩前面跳了出来,四个人穿着发光的锁子甲。国王的剑在火光中闪耀,那时他正在头顶上空挥舞着剑,用大嗓门喊道:
"Here stand I, Tirian of Narnia, in Aslan's name, to prove with my body that Tash is a foul fiend, the Ape a manifold traitor, and these Calormenes worthy of death. To my side, all true Narnians. Would you wait till your new masters have killed you all one by one?" "我,纳尼亚的国王蒂莲,站在这儿,以阿斯兰的名义,用我的身体来证明:塔什是个邪恶的魔王,无尾猿是个诡计多端的卖国贼,这些卡乐门人都是该死的东西。一切真正的纳尼亚子民们,站在我这一边来吧。难道你们要等到你们新的主子把你们一个又一个地统统杀光吗?"

Then, just as Ginger had done, Emeth came walking forward into the open strip of grass between the bonfire and the stable. His eyes were shining, his face very solemn, his hand was on his sword-hilt, and he carried his head high. Jill felt like crying when she looked at his face. And Jewel whispered in the King's ear, "By the Lion's Mane, I almost love this young warrior, Calormene though he be. He is worthy of a better god than Tash."

"I do wish we knew what is really inside there," said Eustace.

Emeth opened the door and went in, into the black mouth of the stable. He closed the door behind him. Only a few moments passed - but it seemed longer before the door opened again. A figure in Calormene armour reeled out, fell on its back, and lay still: the door closed behind it. The Captain leaped towards it and bent down to stare at its face. He gave a start of surprise. Then he recovered himself and turned to the crowd, crying out:

"The rash boy has had his will. He has looked on Tash and is dead. Take warning, all of you."

"We will, we will," said the poor Beasts. But Tirian and his friends stared at the dead Calormene and then at one another. For they, being so close, could see what the crowd, being further off and beyond the fire, could not see: this dead man was not Emeth. He was quite different: an older man, thicker and not so tall, with a big beard.

"Ho-ho-ho," chuckled the Ape. "Any more? Anyone else want to go in? Well, as you're all shy, I'll choose the next. You, you Boar! On you come. Drive him up, Calormenes. He shall see Tashlan face to face."

"O-o-mph," grunted the Boar, rising heavily to his feet. "Come on, then. Try my tusks."

When Tirian saw that brave Beast getting ready to fight for its life - and Calormene soldiers beginning to close in on it with their drawn scimitars - and no one going to its help - something seemed to burst inside him. He no longer cared if this was the best moment to interfere or not.

"Swords out," he whispered to the others. "Arrow on string. Follow."

Next moment the astonished Narnians saw seven figures leap forth in front of the stable, four of them in shining mail. The King's sword flashed in the firelight as he waved it above his head and cried in a great voice:

"Here stand I, Tirian of Narnia, in Aslan's name, to prove with my body that Tash is a foul fiend, the Ape a manifold traitor, and these Calormenes worthy of death. To my side, all true Narnians. Would you wait till your new masters have killed you all one by one?"












重点单词   查看全部解释    
figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

solemn ['sɔləm]


adj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的

rash [ræʃ]


adj. 鲁莽的
n. 疹子,大量

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

strip [strip]


n. 长条,条状,脱衣舞
v. 脱衣,剥夺,剥

stare [steə(r)]


v. 凝视,盯着看
n. 凝视

burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发

traitor ['treitə]


n. 叛徒,卖国贼,出卖朋友者

astonished [əs'tɔniʃt]


adj. 惊讶的 动词astonish的过去式和过去分词

warrior ['wɔ:riə]


n. 勇士,战士,武士





