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新标准小学英语第九册 12

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


MODULE 2 Shopping
Unit 1 Click on the bananas,please.
1.Look,listen and learn.
What are you doing,Ms Smart?
I'm shopping.
Shopping? On the computer?
Yes.Will you help me?
Yes,of course.
Click on the bananas,please.
It say's'How many bananas do you want?'
Click on the cheese,please.
How much cheese do you want?
Half a kilo.
It's a long list!How much is it going to cost?
One hundred and ten pounds.
Ahh!It's a lot!How many things are there on the list?
How will you pay?
With my card.
When will these things come?
They will come tomorrow.
What are you doing,Ms Smart?
I'm shopping.
Shopping? On the computer?
Yes.Will you help me?
Yes,of course.
Click on the bananas,please.
It say's'How many bananas do you want?'
Click on the cheese,please.
How much cheese do you want?
Half a kilo.
It's a long list!How much is it going to cost?
One hundred and ten pounds.
Ahh!It's a lot!How many things are there on the list?
How will you pay?
With my card.
When will these things come?
They will come tomorrow.
What are you doing,Ms Smart?
I'm shopping.
Shopping? On the computer?
Yes.Will you help me?
Yes,of course.
Click on the bananas,please.
It say's'How many bananas do you want?'
Click on the cheese,please.
How much cheese do you want?
Half a kilo.
It's a long list!How much is it going to cost?
One hundred and ten pounds.
Ahh!It's a lot!How many things are there on the list?
How will you pay?
With my card.
When will these things come?
They will come tomorrow.
Unit 2 I'm a little black bat.
1.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the stresses.
What are you doing,Ms Smart? I'm Shopping.
Click on the bananas,please.
How many bananas do you want?
2.Learn to say the Rap.
I'm a little black bat.I'm a little fat.I'm upside down.
And I can fly.I have fun in the night.In the cold night sky.
He is fat.FAT!And he cna fly.FLY!He's a bat. BAT!In the sky.SKY!
Fat,bat,fly,sky.Fat,bat,fly,sky.He's a little black bat.And he can fly.
Unti 3
How much rice do you want?
1.Listen and say.
How much rice do you want?
I want two kilos of rice.\
Word list
card cheese click cost
卡片 奶酪 点击 花费
fly fun kilo list
飞 乐趣 千克,公斤 清单
pay tofu
付款 豆腐




