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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Now the ram has started. If I could hear as well as see, what a noise that would make! Stroke after stroke: and no gate can stand it for ever. But wait! Something up by Stormness has scared the birds. They're coming out in masses. And wait again . . . I can't see yet . . . ah! Now I can. The whole ridge, up on the east, is black with horsemen. If only the wind would catch that standard and spread it out. They're over the ridge now, whoever they are. Aha! I've seen the banner now. Narnia, Narnia! It's the red lion. They're in full career down the hill now. I can see King Edmund. There's a woman behind among the archers. Oh! -"“现在攻城槌开始撞击了。如果我看得见也听得见就好了,那玩意儿会发出好大好大的声音啊!一槌又一槌的!没有一个城门能永远顶得住受得了的。且慢!暴风雨峰附近有什么东西惊动了飞鸟。鸟儿大群大群地飞出来了。再等一下……我还看不出……啊!现在我看得见了。东边儿高处,整个山脊上黑压压的全是骑兵。但愿风吹在军旗上把旗子展开就好了。不管他们是谁,现在他们越过山脊了。啊哈!我现在看到旗子了。纳尼亚,纳尼亚啊!是红狮旗。他们现在全速冲下山来了。我看见国王爱德蒙。殿后的弓箭手中有个女人。唷!——”
"What is it?" asked Hwin breathlessly.“那些是什么东西啊?”赫温屏息静气地问道。
"All his Cats are dashing out from the left of the line."“全部猫科野兽都从左边队伍里冲出来了。”
"Cats?" said Aravis.“猫科吗?”阿拉维斯说。
"Great cats, leopards and such," said the Hermit impatiently. "I see, I see. The Cats are coming round in a circle to get at the horses of the dismounted men. A good stroke. The Calormene horses are mad with terror already. Now the Cats are in among them. But Rabadash has reformed his line and has a hundred men in the saddle. They're riding to meet the Narnians. There's only a hundred yards between the two lines now. Only fifty. I can see King Edmund, I can see the Lord Peridan. There are two mere children in the Narnian line. What can the King be about to let them into battle? Only ten yards - the lines have met. The Giants on the Narnian right are doing wonders . . . but one's down . . . shot through the eye, I suppose. The centre's all in a muddle. I can see more on the left. There are the two boys again. Lion alive! one is Prince Corm. The other, like him as two peas. It's your little Shasta. Corm is fighting like a man. He's killed a Calormene. I 'can see a bit of the centre now. Rabadash and Edmund almost met then, but the press has separated them -"“猫科大野兽,豹子和豹子之类的野兽。”隐士不耐烦地说道,”我明白了,我明白了。猫科野兽要围成一圈,去逮住那些已经无人乘坐的马儿。好高明的一着棋。卡乐门的马儿已经害怕得发疯。现在猫科野兽又冲进这些马儿中间去了。但拉巴达什重新调整了他的队伍,有百来个骑兵坐上马鞍了。他们纵马迎战纳尼亚人。现在双方队伍相距不过一百码光景。不过五十码了。我看得见国王爱德蒙,我看得见珀里丹勋爵。纳尼亚队伍里有两个人,都不过是孩子。国王怎么能让孩子参加战斗呢?双方相距只有十码了——双方队伍接触了。纳尼亚一方,右边儿的巨人正在创造奇迹般的功勋……但有个巨人倒下了……给射中了眼睛,我猜想。中心是一场混战。左边儿我倒看到更多。又是那两个孩子。天哪,一个是科林王子。另一个很像科林,两人像两只梨一样相似。这另一个,就是你们的小沙斯塔。科林像个男子汉似的在作战。他杀死了一个卡乐门人。现在我看得见一点儿中心的情况了。这时拉巴达什和爱德蒙几乎撞上了,但被蜂拥上前的人群把他们分开了——”
"What about Shasta?" said Aravis.“沙斯塔怎么样了?”阿拉维斯问。
"Oh the fool!" groaned the Hermit. "Poor, brave little fool. He knows nothing about this work. He's making no use at all of his shield. His whole side's exposed. He hasn't the faintest idea what to do with his sword. Oh, he's remembered it now. He's waving it wildly about . . . nearly cut his own pony's head off, and he will in a moment if he's not careful. It's been knocked out of his hand now. It's mere murder sending a child into the battle; he can't live five minutes. Duck you fool - oh, he's down."“这傻瓜啊!”隐士叹息着说道,”可怜的、勇敢的小傻瓜。他对打仗啥也不知道。他压根儿没有使用他的盾牌。他的两胁都暴露在外面。他一点儿也不懂得怎样使用他的剑啊,现在他想起来要用剑了。他疯狂地挥舞着剑……几乎把他自己的马驹子的脑袋砍了下来。现在他手里的剑被人打落了。把孩子送上战场,只不过是谋杀罢了;他活不到五分钟了。你这傻瓜,低下脑袋呀——啊,他从马上跌下来了。”
"Killed?" asked three voices breathlessly.“给杀死了吗?”三个声音屏息问道。
"How can I tell?" said the Hermit. "The Cats have done their work. All the riderless horses are dead or escaped now: no retreat for the Calormenes on them. Now the Cats are turning back into the main battle. They're leaping on the rams-men. The ram is down. Oh, good! good! The gates are opening from the inside: there's going to be a sortie. The first three are out. It's King Lune in the middle: the brothers Dar and Darrin on each side of him. Behind them are Tran and Shar and Cole with his brother Colin. There are ten - twenty - nearly thirty of them out by now. The Calormen line is being forced back upon them. King Edmund is dealing marvellous strokes. He's just slashed Corradin's head off. Lots of Calormenes have thrown down their arms and are running for the woods. Those that remain are hard pressed. The Giants are closing in on the right - Cats on the left - King Lune from their rear. The Calormenes are a little knot now, fighting back to back. Your Tarkaan's down, Bree. Lune and Azrooh are fighting hand to hand; the King looks like winning - the King is keeping it up well - the King has won. Azrooh's down. King Edmund's down - no, he's up again: he's at it with Rabadash. They're fighting in the very gate of the castle. Several Calormenes have surrendered. Darrin has killed Ilgamuth. I can't see what's happened to Rabadash. I think he's dead, leaning against the castle wall, but I don't know. Chlamash and King Edmund are still fighting but the battle is over everywhere else. Chlamash has surrendered. The battle is over. The Calormenes are utterly defeated."“我怎么知道呢?”隐士说道,”猫科野兽完成了它们的战斗任务,无人骑的马儿不是死了就是逃散了:骑这些马儿的卡乐门人无生还的希望了。现在猫科野兽回转身来投入主要的战斗。它们扑到使用攻城槌的人们身上。攻城槌掉到地上了。啊,妙!妙!城门正在从里边儿打开:就要有一番突围出击了。开头出来三个人。国王伦恩在中间,达尔和达兰两兄弟在他的左右两边。他们的后面是特兰、沙尔、科尔和科临兄弟。现在他们出来了十个——二十个——三十个光景的将士。卡乐门队伍被迫后退了。国王爱德蒙正东砍西杀,发挥不可思议的威力。他刚把科拉丁的脑袋砍了下来。许多卡乐门士卒丢下武器,向树林里逃跑。留下的那些人被狠狠地紧逼着,巨人从右边,猫科野兽从左边,国王伦恩从他们的后面,一起进逼过来。现在卡乐门人腹背受敌,有点儿慌乱紧张,他们背靠背地应战。布里,你的那位泰坎倒下了。伦恩国王和阿兹鲁正徒手作战;国王看上去要赢了——国王保持着优势——国王已经赢了。阿兹鲁倒下了。国王爱德蒙倒下了——不,他重新站起来了:他是在和拉巴达什交手。他们就在城堡的大门口作战。好几个卡乐门人都投降了。达兰杀了伊尔加默思。我看不见拉巴达什出了什么事。我认为他是死了,身体靠在城墙上,不过我弄不明白。奇拉马什和国王爱德蒙仍在作战,但其他地方的战斗都结束了。奇拉马什投降了。战争结束了。卡乐门人完全被打败了。”
When Shasta fell off his horse he gave himself up for lost. But horses, even in battle, tread on human beings very much less than you would suppose. After a very horrible ten minutes or so Shasta realized suddenly that there were no longer any horses stamping about in the immediate neighbourhood and that the noise (for there were still a good many noises going on) was no longer that of a battle. He sat up and stared about him. Even he, little as he knew of battles, could soon see that the Archenlanders and Narnians had won. The only living Calormenes he could see were prisoners, the castle gates were wide open, and King Lune and King Edmund were shaking hands across the battering ram. From the circle of lords and warriors around them there arose a sound of breathless and excited, but obviously cheerful conversation. And then, suddenly, it all united and swelled into a great roar of laughter.沙斯塔从马上跌下来时,他认为自己没有命了。但马儿踩人踏人,即使在战场上,也远比你料想的要少得多。非常恐怖的十分钟过去以后,沙斯塔突然发现:在邻近的地方不再有什么马儿在跺脚了,而喧闹的声音(因为仍旧有许许多多持续的喧闹声)不再是战争的声音了。他坐了起来,瞪眼打量着周围。虽然他对战争什么也不知道,但连他也很快就看出来了:阿钦兰人和纳尼亚人已经胜利了。他所看见的活着的卡乐门人便是俘虏。城堡的大门大开着,伦恩国王和爱德蒙国王正越过攻城槌彼此握手。在他们周围的一圈王公大人和战士们中间,响起了一阵激动不已但显然很愉快的谈话。接着,谈话声突然联结起来,扩展成为轰然大笑的声音。

"Now the ram has started. If I could hear as well as see, what a noise that would make! Stroke after stroke: and no gate can stand it for ever. But wait! Something up by Stormness has scared the birds. They're coming out in masses. And wait again . . . I can't see yet . . . ah! Now I can. The whole ridge, up on the east, is black with horsemen. If only the wind would catch that standard and spread it out. They're over the ridge now, whoever they are. Aha! I've seen the banner now. Narnia, Narnia! It's the red lion. They're in full career down the hill now. I can see King Edmund. There's a woman behind among the archers. Oh! -"

"What is it?" asked Hwin breathlessly.

"All his Cats are dashing out from the left of the line."

"Cats?" said Aravis.

"Great cats, leopards and such," said the Hermit impatiently. "I see, I see. The Cats are coming round in a circle to get at the horses of the dismounted men. A good stroke. The Calormene horses are mad with terror already. Now the Cats are in among them. But Rabadash has reformed his line and has a hundred men in the saddle. They're riding to meet the Narnians. There's only a hundred yards between the two lines now. Only fifty. I can see King Edmund, I can see the Lord Peridan. There are two mere children in the Narnian line. What can the King be about to let them into battle? Only ten yards - the lines have met. The Giants on the Narnian right are doing wonders . . . but one's down . . . shot through the eye, I suppose. The centre's all in a muddle. I can see more on the left. There are the two boys again. Lion alive! one is Prince Corm. The other, like him as two peas. It's your little Shasta. Corm is fighting like a man. He's killed a Calormene. I 'can see a bit of the centre now. Rabadash and Edmund almost met then, but the press has separated them -"

"What about Shasta?" said Aravis.

"Oh the fool!" groaned the Hermit. "Poor, brave little fool. He knows nothing about this work. He's making no use at all of his shield. His whole side's exposed. He hasn't the faintest idea what to do with his sword. Oh, he's remembered it now. He's waving it wildly about . . . nearly cut his own pony's head off, and he will in a moment if he's not careful. It's been knocked out of his hand now. It's mere murder sending a child into the battle; he can't live five minutes. Duck you fool - oh, he's down."

"Killed?" asked three voices breathlessly.

"How can I tell?" said the Hermit. "The Cats have done their work. All the riderless horses are dead or escaped now: no retreat for the Calormenes on them. Now the Cats are turning back into the main battle. They're leaping on the rams-men. The ram is down. Oh, good! good! The gates are opening from the inside: there's going to be a sortie. The first three are out. It's King Lune in the middle: the brothers Dar and Darrin on each side of him. Behind them are Tran and Shar and Cole with his brother Colin. There are ten - twenty - nearly thirty of them out by now. The Calormen line is being forced back upon them. King Edmund is dealing marvellous strokes. He's just slashed Corradin's head off. Lots of Calormenes have thrown down their arms and are running for the woods. Those that remain are hard pressed. The Giants are closing in on the right - Cats on the left - King Lune from their rear. The Calormenes are a little knot now, fighting back to back. Your Tarkaan's down, Bree. Lune and Azrooh are fighting hand to hand; the King looks like winning - the King is keeping it up well - the King has won. Azrooh's down. King Edmund's down - no, he's up again: he's at it with Rabadash. They're fighting in the very gate of the castle. Several Calormenes have surrendered. Darrin has killed Ilgamuth. I can't see what's happened to Rabadash. I think he's dead, leaning against the castle wall, but I don't know. Chlamash and King Edmund are still fighting but the battle is over everywhere else. Chlamash has surrendered. The battle is over. The Calormenes are utterly defeated."

When Shasta fell off his horse he gave himself up for lost. But horses, even in battle, tread on human beings very much less than you would suppose. After a very horrible ten minutes or so Shasta realized suddenly that there were no longer any horses stamping about in the immediate neighbourhood and that the noise (for there were still a good many noises going on) was no longer that of a battle. He sat up and stared about him. Even he, little as he knew of battles, could soon see that the Archenlanders and Narnians had won. The only living Calormenes he could see were prisoners, the castle gates were wide open, and King Lune and King Edmund were shaking hands across the battering ram. From the circle of lords and warriors around them there arose a sound of breathless and excited, but obviously cheerful conversation. And then, suddenly, it all united and swelled into a great roar of laughter.











重点单词   查看全部解释    
spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

muddle ['mʌdl]


n. 困惑,混浊状态 vt. 使混乱,使糊涂,使惊呆 v

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

immediate [i'mi:djət]


adj. 立即的,即刻的,直接的,最接近的

retreat [ri'tri:t]


n. 休息寓所,撤退,隐居
v. 撤退,向后倾

cheerful ['tʃiəfəl]


adj. 高兴的,快乐的

knot [nɔt]


n. 结,节
vi. 打结

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

terror ['terə]


n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物





