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小学综合英语 5A Unit 3 Annie's Homework

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 3 Annie's Homework
Annie was bored. 'Can I go out?' she asked her mother.
'Yes, but don't be late,' her mother replied.
Annie went down in the lift to Patsy's flat.
Patsy's mother opened the door.'Can I play with Patsy Annie asked.'
No, I'm sorry, Annie,' Mrs Liang said. 'Patsy is helping me.
You can see her tomorrow.'Annie went down in the lift to Peter's flat.
Peter's brother, Jack, opened the door.'Can I play with Peter?' Annie asked.
'No, I'm sorry, Annie,' Jack said.'He hasn't come home yet.'
Annie went down to John's flat.John's father opened the door.
'Can I play with John?' Annie asked.'No, I'm sorry, Annie/John's father said.
'He's doing his homework.He hasn't finished it yet.''Homework!' Annie exclaimed.
Annie ran back to her own flat.'You're early her mother said.
'I've just remembered my homework,' Annie said.
'I haven't started it yet!'
Sally structure
He has started his homework.
She has not started her homework yet.
I have finished my homework.
You have not finished your homework yet.
We have done our homework.
They have not done their homework yet.
Miss Au is walking round the class.
M :Have you started your sums,Tony?
T :No,not yet,Miss Xu.
M :Then start them now please.Have you finished your drawing yet,Susan?
S :No,not yet,Miss Xu.
M :Then finish it now, please.




