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小学综合英语 5A Unit 7 Revision - Three Brothes

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 7 Revision - Three Brothes
A farmer had three sons.
One day he said to them.'I have looked after you for many years.
Now you must look after your selves.I can not feed you any longer.
'The three brothers set off to make their fortune.
On the road they met an old man. 'Where are you going?'
he asked them.'We're going to make our fortunes,' they replied.
'Then I can help you,' the old man said.
'Do you want gold or to learn an art?'
The oldest brother said, 'Gold,of course.'The old man gave him a bag of gold.
The middle brother said, 'Gold, of courseThe old man gave him a bag of gold.
The youngest brother said, 'I want to learn an art.'The old man said, '
Then come with me and I will teach you.
'The two older brothers laughed at their younger brother.
'You're a fool.' they said. 'We are rich.We can buy anything we need.'
That night a gang of robber killed them and stole their gold.
The youngest brother stayed with the old man for several years.
He learned to be an artist. Now people pay him to paint their pictures.
He is not rich and no one has ever robbed him.
But he has money for food and shelter.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

shelter ['ʃeltə]


n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护
v. 庇护,保护,

revision [ri'viʒin]


n. 校订,修正,修订本,复习


关键字: 小学 综合 英语 5A




