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小学综合英语 5A Unit 8 The Holiday

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 8 The Holiday
There will be a holiday on Friday.
'the headmaster told the children.'the school will be closed.
Do not come to school on Friday.
'The Busy Bees met at peter's flat after school.
'What shall we do on Friday?'Peter asked.
'We'll go for a long bus ride before lunch.'Annie said exctedly.'
Then we have lunch in Pudong.And we'll go to the Vund ofter lunch.'
'We can't go on our own.'John said.
'Jane will come with us.'Peter said.'Jane will come with us.'Peter said.
'No,she won't,'John said .'She'll be at work all day.
She won't fnish work until half past five.She won't get home until six.
She can't come with us.'The childen sat silently for a while.
Then Peter turned on the TV.It was news time.
'Atyphoon is coming towards Hongkong,'the man said.'
It will be over Hongkong by early Friday.'
'Oh,dear,'Peter said sadly,'We'll spend the holday at home and watch TV all day.'
Sally stucture
We will go for a bus ride before lunch.
We won't go to Plover Cove after breakfast.
They will finish work after breakfast.
Jane will finish work before 5:30. She won't get home until 6 o'clock.
She won't finish work until 5:30.
The typhoon won't be over Hong kong until Friday.
Annie is talking to Jane.
Annie: When will you take your holiday,Jane?
Jane : I'll take it next month.
Annie: What will you do?
Jane : I'll stay in bed late.I won't get up until lunch time every day.
Annie: What will you do after lunch?
Jane : I'll go shopping.
Annie: How long will you go shopping?
Jone : Oh,until about half past five.

关键字: 小学 综合 英语 5A




