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小学综合英语 5A Unit 9 The New Girl

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 9 The New Girl
The new girl One day a new girl joined Patsy's class. Her name was Sarah.
Patsy liked her.'Can Sarah join our club?'she asked the others.
'Of course,'they said.Patsy spoke to the new girl.'
I'm in a club,Sarah,'she said.'It's only a small club.It' got four members.
Do you want to join?''My father won't let me join any clubs,'Sarah said.'
Well,it's not a real club,'Patsy explained.
'We just call it a club.We go out together.'
'My father won't let me go out with other children,'Sarah said.'
He makes me stay at home all the time.'
'our parents let us go out,'Patsy told her.'Peter's cousin,Jane,
takes us everywhere. She's seventeen.''I'm sorry,'Sarah said.
'I want to join your club, but I can't.
My father won't let me do anyting interesting.
Patsy told the other children about Sarah's father.
'Aren't we lucky?' Annie said.'Our parents aren't like Sarah's.'
Sally structure
Sarah's father let her join the club.
The teacher won't let me see her book.Peter let them listen to his radio.
Her father make her stay at home.He make us do extra homework.
They make me help them.
A teacher is speaking to Tony.
Teacher: Did you take theis book,Tony?
Tony: Tommy made me take it, sir.
Teacher: He can't make you do anything.
Tony: He hit me,sir.
Teacher: Don't let him hit you.
Tony: I'm not as strong as him,sir.
Teacher: Send him to me.I'll talk to him.
Tony: I won't take anything again,sir.
Teacher: I won't let you take anything again. I'll lock my desk.

关键字: 5A 英语 综合 小学




