One of my neighbours was gassed last night.
One of my neighbours suffered from gas poisoning last night.
to gas sb 的意思是to poison or kill sb with gas, 即“用毒气将某人毒死”或“用煤气将某人熏死”。而 to be gassed 的意思是to be gassed to death,即“被煤气熏死”。 “中煤气”或“煤气中毒”应该译为to suffer from gas poisoning。“受毒气袭击”译为to be attacked by gas。例如:一些煤矿工人在通风极差的煤矿里瓦斯中毒。Some coal miners suffered from gas poisoning caused by the badly ventilated mines.
“中毒”的字面意思可以译为 to be poisoned,to suffer from poisoning等。例如: 他因食用毒蘑菇而中毒。He was poisoned by eating poisonous mushrooms.
这个醉鬼酒精中毒,但是活了过来。The drunkard suffered from alcohol poisoning but survived.
两个农场工人在收获葡萄时农药中毒而被急送医院。Two farm workers were rushed to the hospital after being poisoned by pesticides while harvesting grapes.
研究者们证实贝多芬遭受过铅中毒。Researchers confirm that Beethoven suffered from lead poisoning
“中毒”比喻思想受到毒害,可以译为 to be poisoned。例如:有些顾客因受电视广告的宣传而中毒很深。Some customers are thoroughly poisoned by propaganda from commercials.